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The Alpha's Slave Mate novel Chapter 4

Caleb’s Point of View


Being an Alpha means that I must do things on occasion that I do not want to do, the Mabon Ball is one of those things. I hate being surrounded by people, all of them trying to kiss up to the Alpha. I have a strong dislike for fake people. I would much rather be running through the woods, patrolling my borders, or training with my warriors. Unfortunately, politics demand that I attend this function.


I have been the Alpha of my pack since I was fourteen years old. My father and mother the previous Alpha and Luna were murdered by rogues. I was one of the youngest Alphas and because of that I pushed myself to be the best. I can say with pride that my pack is one of the largest packs in the north west. We are also one of the strongest packs. I train my warriors without mercy. I also take pride in the fact that we are one of the wealthiest packs. I push every pack member to excel in knowledge as well as strength. Out of this many of my members are thriving business owners.


The Silver Moon pack is much smaller than mine, but they were chosen by the council to host this years Mabon Ball. I really considered declining to attend, but my Beta reminded me that I am twenty years old and have yet to meet my mate. This is a growing concern for my pack because an unmated Alpha can become extremely dangerous.


Being a werewolf means that you have a destined mate, once you turn eighteen you produce a certain hormone that can be smelled by your mate. This is how destined pairs find each other. Someone that not only brings you peace in your human form but brings peace to your wolf. This is vitally important to Alphas. The longer an Alpha goes without finding their mate the more aggressive their wolf becomes. If unmated for too long the wolf will dominate the shape shifter, and rational thought will cease to exist. Lately my pack has noticed that my patience has been thin. I am snapping at the slightest of nuisances and it has everyone worried. It is now my mission to find my mate and restore balance to myself and my pack.


“I don’t think they anticipated us arriving so soon Alpha.”


My Beta Theo remarks, and I am snapped out of my thoughts. Looking around at the Silver Moon pack house I believe his thoughts are right. I see several pack members scurrying back and forth as if they were unaware that we were coming.


This is a complete waste of time; I highly doubt my mate is in this place. They are unorganized, and completely unprepared. I use my mind link to speak with my Beta. Werewolves have excellent hearing and I prefer not to say my words aloud.


They are a small pack, perhaps they did not know that we would be arriving early. Let’s try to give them the benefit of a doubt and make a good impression. Theo mind links back to me. He is right unfortunately. Although they are a smaller pack, the Silver Moon pack are one of our closest neighbors and allies. Which means I need to be on my best behavior.


As we arrive at the pack house, Theo steps forward and announces us. Theo has always been my Beta. Unfortunately, the night my parents died, his died as well. We have trained together ever since, and he is the closest thing to family that I have. Our grief bonded us together and he has always been a shoulder I lean on when needed.


“Alpha Caleb, may I present Alpha Jason and Luna Amanda.” These words are spoken by what I assume is the Beta of this pack.


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