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The Alpha's Slave Mate novel Chapter 45

Chapter Forty-Five

Daphne’s Point of View

When I first woke up, I was confused. I have gotten so used to Caleb having his arms around me that not having him here in bed with me is foreign. If I am honest, I do not like this feeling at all. Turning to where he should be in bed with me instead, I find a note. Daphne, I can not wait until later today

when we are bound as one in front of our community, and friends. I know we had a difficult day yesterday and I am sorry. Words can not express how happy this day with you makes me. Per tradition I am not supposed to see you before the ceremony, so I snuck out, while you were still sleeping. I am having breakfast brought up to you. Hannah, and the other girls will be over later to help you with hair and makeup. I just want you to relax and enjoy today. I will be waiting with bated breath until you are in my arms. Love, Caleb. P.S. You are so adorable when you are sleeping. 7

Caleb’s note is possibly the sweetest thing

I have ever read. It is so hard to believe how much my life has changed in the last month. I can say that I am honestly happy, and I feel safe. In a lot of ways Caleb is like my real-life white knight, but I know that he is not the only reason I am happier in my life. Even with the age difference I feel like Hannah and I are friends, and there are many people here that I have come to care for, and I believe they care for me as well. Today I officially become their Luna, and I know that I will strive to be the best Luna I can be, and to put their interests and well-being first. 2

My thoughts are interrupted by a knock. I let the person in thinking that it was the breakfast that Caleb had said he had coming. To my surprise it was not only that, but Scarlet was delivering it. From her eyes I can tell that she has been crying.

“Hey how are you holding up?” I do not want to bring up bad memories of yesterday, but I want her to know that I am here if she wants to talk things through.

“I am doing alright, sad and disappointed with Dorian’s behavior. A little embarrassed by all of it truthfully, but I have gotten so used to it that it took him. behaving like that here for me to really evaluate how bad things have gotten.” Scarlet’s voice is so soft right now that I lean over and wrap her in a hug.

“I am so sorry Scarlet. I understand if you do not want to come tonight.” I do not want her to feel pressured to be there, especially when her world is falling apart.

“Daphne I would not miss your mating ceremony for the world. Caleb seems like a good man and I can see how happy you are. That has always been my wish for you, that you would find some happiness in this world. Plus, your man is smoking hot, you hit the jackpot.” We giggle a little at her last words and some of the tension seems to ease. I love the fact that we have this time to talk and bond some more.

“Caleb is a good man, and he does make me happy. Scarlet, how do you know when you’re in love?”

“I would like to think that it is when you would do anything to make sure that your mate is happy, even if it means that you are unhappy. Although, I am starting to rethink my idea of love. I tried to make

Dorian happy, and I ended up miserable, and I do not think that is how love is supposed to be. So, I think my new definition is when the very thought of the person you love puts a smile on your face, and makes you feel safe and secure.”

Scarlet’s eyes have started misting over and I can tell that she is having a difficult time with everything.

“Scarlet, I know that it is too late for you to reject Dorian as your mate, but you do not have to stay with him. You could stay here; I know that Caleb would allow it.” I can not help wanting to ease her pain in anyway that I can. Truthfully, I want her to stay here, I would love having my sister close to me.

“Daphne that is very sweet of you, and it is very lovely here, but I have to go back. Not because of Dorian, but because I am the Luna of the pack now. I have not done a very good job of helping my people, but I think that they are going to need me now more than ever. Things there have to change, and I do not know if anyone else will stand up to Dorian.” My respect for Scarlet grows with her words. She is starting to act like the Luna I wish to be, and putting her own people’s needs before her own. I do want her to stay, but I understand why she is choosing to go back. 2

“I understand that. I am worried that he will hurt you. No offense but Dorian does not seem like a kind man anymore.” I do worry about Scarlet’s safety going back.

“I cannot lie to you; I am slightly worried myself. At one time I thought he was a decent man. The power of being Alpha has consumed him and his ego has gotten out of control. Even though I am scared, I cannot allow him to continue terrorizing what is left of the pack.” I can see the determination in Scarlet’s eyes, and I know that there is no talking her out of it. Perhaps I can speak to Caleb and see if any of our warriors can go with her, just until she gets Dorian’s behavior under control.

“Enough about that though, eat your breakfast it is getting cold. You my dear are going to be a fully mated woman tonight and you will need your strength.” Scarlet is giggling as she wiggles her eyebrows, insinuating what will occur in the bedroom tonight. I start eating the eggs, bacon and toast that she brought up with her.


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