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The Alpha's Slave Mate novel Chapter 47

Chapter Forty-Seven

Daphne’s Point of View

Scarlet gives me one more big hug. I know that once the doors open to the house,

and I will walk down the steps, turn left and meet Caleb in the rose garden. My

anxiety has me worried that I am going to

fall on my face even getting down the

steps. I take deep breaths trying to calm. my nerves. Everything is going to be fine; Caleb is here. Scarlet steps forward, but

before she can open the door I reach out

and stop her.

“Scarlet, I’m scared.” My anxiety is full force now. My heart is beating a million miles a second, and I am pretty sure that I am going to drop dead right here. Scarlet

turns back and faces me with a smile.

“Daphne, you are the strongest woman I

know, and you are going to be a great Luna. You have been mated with a good

man, a strong man that I think loves you.” She smiles at me reassuringly and I must admit her pep talk helped. My heartbeat is slowing a little. She is right, everything is going to be fine.

The doors are open, and I feel a light autumn breeze flow in. This is it, the moment that everyone is waiting for. I am shaking a little as I begin descending the steps. There are so many people here that some of them are milling about the

circular drive in front of the door.

Everyone turns their head though when I make my way out of the house. I carefully

walk behind Scarlet, slowly down the

steps. I turn the corner, and immediately

see Caleb.

Caleb is so handsome in his tuxedo.

Scarlet was right, everyone else melts

away and all I am focused on is Caleb. He stands proud with his hair pulled back,

and his chest out. The button-down shirt

looks like it is straining against his muscles, and I cannot deny the very sight

of him brings a familiar ache to my womanhood. His eyes are locked with mine, and I can tell that he can feel the tension rising between us. I walk forward, intent on making this man mine and mine alone. He is my destiny, my mate.

The elder stands before us, performing the binding ceremony. Suddenly there is a long howl that echoes through the trees. Caleb stills beside me, and I believe he is using the mind link he shares with his warriors to gather information on the disruption. With out warning I see Dorian break through the tree line, behind Caleb. What shocks me the man standing next to him is my father. 7

Caleb turns and growls deep in his throat. I can see part of our pack immediately

shift into combat mode and start to circle

behind the intruders. My mind is.

spinning wondering why they are here.

“What the hell is the meaning of this.

Coming here uninvited, interrupting my mating ceremony?” Caleb’s voice is colder than I have ever heard it before, ast

if ice is running through his veins.

“Alpha Caleb you have committed a grave

grievance against the Cedar Woods pack, and against the Silver Moon pack.”

Surprisingly, it is my father that has chosen to speak. I feel a hand on my right shoulder, and I look up to find Scarlet by my side, her face pale.

“What grievance do you have with me old man? As you can see my patience is

wearing thin.” Caleb’s voice is

thundering, and a chill runs along my spine.

“Firstly, you purchased a slave from me. under false pretenses. You knew before. you purchased her that she was your mate. You withheld that information in

order to procure the murderous bitch at a

lower price. Then you have the audacity

to speak to my beloved mate as if she was

a common wench. Now I find out that your

are holding my precious daughter hostage, keeping her from her destined

mate. Our laws demand that you answer

for your petulant behavior.” My father

has his chest puffed out in righteousness.

He spews his false tale loud, as if hoping to garner support from those in

attendance. 1

“I have heard enough of this. The contract in which I purchased a slave

from you was witnessed by both of our

Betas. You had the chance to ask for more

money. You had the chance to ask me any

question you wanted, and I would have answered them truthfully. You did not

care though; you only wanted the deal done. You have your money; I have honored the contract. Now be gone, off my lands before you start a war that you will not win.” The tension is thick, I can see that my fathers face is red with anger.

Caleb struck a nerve with him.

“You are a liar and a cheat. I have eyes, I can see my daughter right there. Her

mate came to me last night with tales of your depravity. Hoping to have both of the sisters to yourself.” Caleb’s growl is

lower this time, and I can see the seams.

of his suit jacket starting to tear. He is in

danger of shifting and attacking my

father head on.

“Enough of this.” My head swivels over

to my sister as her words ring out clear in the night. “I am not a captive here; I am a guest. Alpha Caleb has been nothing but stellar in his treatment of me. It was Dorian’s foolish actions that got him. banished from here. He is lucky that Caleb spared his life.” From the silence I can tell that no one expected Scarlet to speak.

“Scarlet shut your mouth.” Dorian barks.

at her.

“No Dorian, I have been silent for far too

long. Your monstrous ways end tonight. You have driven our pack into the dirt.

Tormenting the young women, cheating and rutting around on me. You have

depleted all our money with your glutenous actions. Hell, most of our pack has turned rogue just to escape from you.


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