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The Alpha's Slave Mate novel Chapter 66

Book 2 Chapter 14

Caleb’s Point of View

I am not even surprised that I am once again waking up alone. Although my anger has left me the hurt consumes my soul, and I briefly wonder if I even need to get up from the bed today. Laying here is a special kind of torture. I can smell my beautiful mate, and a part of me wants to roll over and hug her pillow to my chest and just deeply inhale. On the other hand, my pride is wounded and now I feel like pushing her away. Perhaps if I treated her the way she had treated me these past few weeks she would understand better the torture she has put me through. There is that wonderful voice of self-doubt that creeps in asking would she even care.

Allowing myself a few moments to

continue to wallow in my own

depression, I finally resolve myself to

climb out of bed. Hoping that a nice hot

shower will help lift the dredges of the soul crushing depression that has seeped deep into me. Climbing into the steaming shower I ponder how I am supposed to

handle the precarious situation involving Daphne and me. Eventually I conclude that there is no longer anything that I can do to help the situation. 1

I have done everything in my power to gain her love and trust. I have been patient and loving. I have never strayed from her, and I do not plan on it even under the circumstances that we find

ourselves in now. In truth I am out of ideas. I understand that she lived in hell when she was younger, and that it would leave a lasting impression on her. I fought to dispel the negative thoughts she had about herself. I surrounded her with loving and supportive people. I have

always been there to tell her that she is beautiful. I try to praise her daily, but

despite all of this it did not matter. She

never gave me her full trust.

Hopping out of the shower and toweling

off I decide that I need to focus on the

pack. I have an upcoming meeting with a

few trusted allies, and I need to be

prepared. Thinking of the upcoming gathering I remember that Alpha Noah

will be in attendance. I need to discuss the

turn of events with Theo. While I know

that we need to be amicable to each other, I still do not trust the man. Just thinking about him being here turns my stomach.

I will want to heighten security in the pack house as well as throughout the

grounds while he is here. I also need to

see if the catering has been taken care of. I will also need to find out if the guest rooms have been made ready. Most of the

Alphas will be bringing their wives. Typically, the Luna organizes a few events with the other wives. Brunches, movie nights, and things like that. I make a mental note to see if Daphne has

thought about it. If not, I am sure that

Scarlett will give her a hand, but I also

make need to see if Hannah will be

willing to help.

Having my mind consumed by pack business, I walk out of the room almost on auto pilot. It does not take me long to make it to the kitchen, I am startled out of my thoughts by Daphne’s voice.

“Hey, I wanted to say sorry.” Glancing over to where she is leaning against the breakfast bar, a fresh wave of sorrow rolls through me. Knowing that my mate does not trust me, and questions my character makes me feel physically ill. I grunt a

hello in response while pouring a cup of



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