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The Alpha's Slave Mate novel Chapter 79

Daphne’s Point of View

I cannot recall the last time I woke up feeling this refreshed. I lay in bed for a few moments enjoying the feel of Caleb’s arm around me as I think back to last night. I expected him to be furious with me. Downstairs in the dining room his demeanor had been frigid, and in truth he had frightened me a little. I was shocked that not only was he not upset with me, but he was proud of my actions. He told me that he was happy that I got to finally stick up for myself. He even said that I looked hot while doing it.

Thinking of his words and remembering the hungry look in his eyes spreads a warmth throughout my body that I have not felt in a long time. Almost by habit I squirm a bit closer to Caleb, feeling his warmth on my neck, his hard chest against my back. A moment of clarity makes me wonder if I am doing the right thing. The warmth and memories of Caleb’s hands warming my body make me want to tease him, but my brain questions if I am ready to be sexual with him yet. We have made so much progress lately that I do not want to set us back any. I slowly turn over so that I am facing him.

I take the opportunity to study Caleb’s face. He is such an amazing man, always putting the pack and me before himself. Always ready to lend a hand whenever needed, and strong in his morals and values. The Moon Goddess has blessed me beyond my wildest imagination.

“I hope you know that I can feel you eyes on me woman.” He startled me by grumbling out.

“How long have you been awake?” I ask him cautiously.

“Long enough to feel you wiggle your little ass on me, before you started studying my face.” He tells me with a grin. I know that he is baiting me, and I want to reciprocate.

“Maybe I was seeing if it still works.” I could not help but tease him lightly. I was not expecting him to be so quick before I knew what he was doing he reached up and grabbed my hand placing it upon his growing member.

“Does this feel like it still works my queen?” He asks me with a hint of sarcasm lacing his words.

“Caleb, I need to be honest.” Upon hearing my hesitation, he quickly opens his eyes. “I am not completely sure that I am ready for this, but I want to be. I miss feeling your touch. I am scared of getting pregnant again though.” I choose not to mince my words with him. Our communication has been better lately, and I want complete honesty with him.

He ponders my words for a few moments. “I may have a suggestion then for you love.” His voice is husky and I know that he misses touching me as well. “I want you to just lay here while I touch you. I will go slow. If or when you feel like you want to stop just say the word, and I will stop. If I do something that you like I will need you to moan louder or ask me to continue. I want this to be about you and awakening your pleasure again.” He crushed my lips with his before I could fully answer him. “I also do not want you to worry about getting pregnant. This is about you right now, not about me.” He quickly reassured me as he moved from my lips to my ear. He nibbled slightly, give a soft tug before kissing down my neck.

Everywhere his lips touched, a fire started to burn sensually through my veins. It did not take long before I was moaning beneath him. In one moment, he straddled me, holding his own weight balanced between his hands and knees. He continued his assault with his mouth, nipping, kissing, and licking his way down my neck. He reached between us to grab the bottom of my shirt and pulls it over my head. I lay beneath him topless as his eyes grazed my skin.

“You are absolutely beautiful my love.” He murmured as he reached for my left nipple capturing it between his finger and thumb gently kneading it. I moaned under the ministrations of his hands. “I love your perfect breasts.” He said before leaning down and capturing my right nipple in his mouth. I ran my nails along his back as he licked and swirled his tongue around my nipple. This caused waves of ecstasy to shoot through my body. My nipples are very sensitive.


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