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The Alpha's Slave Mate novel Chapter 8

Chapter Eight


Daphne's Point of View


I was nervous throughout most of the morning, scared that my secret about shifting would be exposed. I calmed down throughout the day though as it continued to be basically normal. Breakfast was bigger than usual because of the visiting pack. The Alpha decided that I was too clumsy to serve out our guests, so he ordered some of the Omegas of our pack to serve out the meal. I was sent over to the hall to ensure that it was clean for the decorations to be set up and the caters to arrive. I hated being dismissed before breakfast was over because now, I could not eat any of the left-over food. Oh well I thought it is not the first time I have gone without food. »


As I was walking to the meeting hall, I noticed that the pack was out and about. Clearly everyone was excited about the ball tonight. I watched mothers taking their daughters to get their hair done and I felt the familiar ache of wishing my mother had done those things with me. I am used to being ignored and hurt but deep down I really wish I had a loving family. I would have loved for my mother to read me a bedtime story or brush my hair. I was very jealous with how close my mother and Scarlet were. :


Thinking back, I remembered when I was about six years old, I spied on my mother and Scarlet. There was a dance coming up at Scarlet’s school, and my mother was helping her to get ready. I remember watching from the shadows of the doorway and wishing that my mother would brush my hair, or one day help me put on makeup. I laugh to myself bringing myself back to the

present, the only makeup that my mother helped me put on would be the black eye she gave me on my birthday last year. I made a vow long ago that if I ever had children that they would know every day how much! love them.


The meeting hall was already bustling when I got there. A few of our warriors were wrestling along the side, playing around as wolves will do. I noticed a few guys that did not look familiar, and I took care to walk far enough away to not be noticed. I don’t need any attention and prefer to stay hidden in the shadows. I gave up hope a long time ago of amate coming and whisking me away from here. We do not get a lot of visitors usually, and no one in my pack would ever accept me as a mate. ° Walking into the meeting hall I tried to imagine how it is going to be tonight. The people dancing, food being served, the music playing, and the potential mates that may find each other tonight.


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