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The Alpha's Slave Mate novel Chapter 82

Caleb’s Point of View

I was slightly nervous about the women going off to the spa for the day. Normally I do not worry about our people being in the human town, but it is not often that there are so many high-ranking women together. The possibilities for being attacked were enormous. I knew that Daphne and the other girls had put a lot of thought and preparation into today, so I kept my mouth shut. Daphne thinks that she only has a few soldiers with her, but I sent a few other warriors into the town earlier in the morning. I figured there was no harm in having a plan B.

“You ready to do this?” I was startled from my thoughts by Theo coming to check on me.

“Yep, I have the new treaties ready to be signed. Gather everyone up and let’s meet in the den area.” I inform him. The den is bigger than my office, but still has everything that we could need. It did not take long to get everyone gathered and seated at the large table in the room.

“I have all of the new treaty and alliance paperwork ready. If you will all take a look at them and ensure that the information is correct, we can get them signed, and hopefully this will go quickly.” I quickly took the reins. As Alphas we are used to having these meetings. Usually everything is routine. I handed the papers out quickly and sat back as everyone reviewed the information.

“Excuse my ignorance for a moment, I just want to make sure that I am reading this document clearly.” I was surprised to hear from Hawk, but glad that he was asking questions. It was a sign that he is going to be a good leader. “According to this my pack has an alliance with you Alpha Caleb, Alpha Noah, and Alpha Jerome’s packs. Do we not have an alliance with Alpha Cole, or Alpha Axle?” He asked the whole table.

“Although we do not have an alliance on paper if you ever needed me, I would stand for you and your pack.” Alpha Cole answered him.

“May I ask why we do not have it on paper?” Hawk questioned him.

“When the former Alpha led my pack, he did not want alliances. He thought that he was stronger if he stood alone. Since I have been Alpha, I have formed some alliances. Although our territories are not considered close in proximity, I would not mind putting a formal alliance in place with your pack if that is your desire. I do have a few rules in place though for my formal alliances.” Cole was quick to explain that does not make alliances with power hungry packs, nor packs that have slaves. I watched him and Hawk negotiate an alliance pleased with the young soon to be Alpha’s wit, and ability to negotiate. It did not take long for the two to shake hands pleased with their agreement. Alpha Jerome informed his son that he would have the official paperwork drawn up.

Since that matter was now settled, I addressed the room. “I have an announcement to make. As you all know there is currently unclaimed territory between where my borders currently rest, and the town of Meacham. With surge of additional pack members that have joined us space is getting slightly cramped.” I paused and handed out the maps I had prepared for this meeting. “If you take a look, you will see that the black lines outline my current borders. The red dotted line is where I would like to extend my borders to. Behind the map you will see the detailed explanation of how I will be utilizing that land. You will also see that I am not infringing upon any other pack territories, and that there still remains a great deal of unclaimed territory for wolves that wish to travel freely.” This part of the meeting was crucial to me.

With Scarlett’s former pack joining with my already growing numbers, we needed more housing, a larger children’s center, and I wanted to expand our pack hospital. I was also hoping to gain a few more acres for cattle as well.

“This is absolutely preposterous. There is no way that I can agree with this Alpha Caleb.” Noah was quick to object to my proposal.

“May I ask what exactly you do not agree with Alpha Noah?” If he was going to speak against the expansion, I wanted to know why he had an issue with it.


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