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The beast and the blessed novel by Ashley Breanne novel Chapter 124

Nineteen: Joselin

Joselin's P.O.V.

The food I had gathered for us was long forgotten in the kitchen. My plans for the evening were gone as well. The air in my tower swirled angrily with the threat of a storm caused by me. It had been a very long time since my emotions ruled my magic.

It made me feel inept, and the lack of control was worrisome. I hadn't lost control since I was a teenager.

The pain in my chest was unwelcome, and a few stray tears slid down my cheeks.

My body's betrayal and willingness to show emotion were infuriating, but I knew my true anger was directed at the man downstairs. I was sure he hated being there. With so many people around and trying to talk to him, I knew he would be uncomfortable. Even that knowledge didn't satisfy the petty part of my mind that wanted him to be miserable for hurting me.

If he wanted to go to a mating mixer and look for a wolf to mark, contradicting all the sweet words he shared with me last night, he could.

I was a big girl. I could find a way to get over him. Nothing had worked so far, but that didn't make it impossible.

I could warn Natalie about the unknown threat and have it be her problem. She would be taking over my job soon anyway, so there was no point in letting her get her feet wet. She might as well jump right in.

With her handling that, I would be free to escape and find myself outside this castle.

My gut twisted at the idea of leaving Tobias, though. No matter how upset and angry I was, I would hate it if I left without getting answers. I had loved him for too long just to turn away and never look back. There were so many questions for him, but the most important was why I wasn't enough.

Rona's words played on a loop in my head, reminding me that a man like Tobias wouldn't want a woman who looked like me. My teeth ground together, and my hands were in tight fists as I stopped pacing.

There was only one way I could get an honest answer to ease or confirm my concerns.

It was something I swore I would never do. I had learned to embrace who I was long ago, and while I knew this experiment would be damaging to my mental well-being if it confirmed my suspicions, I didn't see myself having another choice.

If I didn't find out, I would never feel confident enough in myself. I would never be able to be in a relationship without that fear hanging over me. I just had to hope that what I was about to do wouldn't bite me in the ass. I needed to go into this with no expectations to prevent myself from getting hurt further. No hope.

I could do this.

The spell book with this particular enchantment had been shoved up on the highest shelf of my bookcase so it would stay out of sight. With a quick flick of my finger, the dusty and worn item flew across the room and crashed into my waiting palm.

It was a novice-level volume, and I knew what I wanted would be easy to cast.

My chanting was low and hushed for a few minutes before I felt my skin tingling. The usual vibrations of the runes and knots on my skin could still be felt. But when I looked down, I could only see the tanned skin of my arms, no markings in sight.

I had never been able to hold color before, and while most people enjoyed being tan, I felt sick. But it meant the glamour spell was working.

It was difficult to look in the mirror and see this version of me, the fake one. A stranger stared back at me with smooth, flawless skin, long brown hair, and deep blue eyes.

She was beautiful, and I knew she would give Tobias a run for his money. His jaw was bound to drop when he saw me in this form. I just prayed to the Goddess that he didn't let it show.

I kept the same dress on, knowing it was not as formal as these events expected, but I didn't have the patience to choose a new outfit. No one beyond the staff had seen me in it anyway.

It was a dash to get back downstairs. I wanted to get there before Tobias left or chose someone. He had been attending these for years but had never chosen anyone before.

His presence was only surprising because I didn't think he had a reason to show up tonight. I thought he had chosen me. If not as his mate, then maybe to date me. The fact that he was here told me that his priority was to find his mate, and whatever we had would be short-lived if it wasn't already over.

I could feel him as I entered the room, ignoring all the gawking men and women around me. There was surprise on their faces as they watched me, knowing with the glamour, they would smell me as a wolf instead of a witch. But there was still no way to hide my power. My aura would still be stronger than most.


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