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The beast and the blessed novel by Ashley Breanne novel Chapter 13

Thirteen: Natalie

Natalie’s p.o.v.

I could feel the power radiating off Killian as he strode with purpose, his hand on my lower back. There was an aura around him that warned me to stay silent. At the very least, I had expected to be yelled at or punished for stepping out of bounds.

But the other possibility had me growing excited. For the rest of the meal, his hand stayed firmly on my thigh. The way he kneaded his thumb into my leg had me feeling needy and warm. I had never experienced that intense of a reaction to anyone from such a simple touch before.

It had me thinking about what it would be like to pull him back to the bedroom and rip our clothes off, so I could experience his touch more thoroughly.

Instead, Killian slammed the bedroom room behind US, facing me with glowing red eyes, his chest rising and falling rapidly. The loss of his touch on my back caused goosebumps to surface on my flesh.

His gaze over my skin felt like a flame was trailing along my body as he looked me over. His hands were in fists at his sides, and I could see he was fighting his beast.

"Are you angry about what I said?" I asked softly, standing as still as I could. The man looked livid, yet the worry that I would cause his restraint to snap, had me feeling giddy.

Something in my soul told me that he would not hurt me, but the look in his eye was the promise of punishment. His left hand moved up, and he ran it through his dark brown hair before sliding it over his face with a frustrated groan. The red glow to his eyes faded back until it was clear that he had regained control of his beast.

"Fucking siren." He muttered, just barely audible to my human ears before he spun on his heels and left the room in a hurry.

I couldn't help the smile that stretched over my face as the door slammed behind him. He was breaking, and sooner or later he would have to talk to me. It wasn't realistic for me to ask a king who I didn't know to give up his other women and allow me a full and fair chance at a real relationship. But if I was going to be stuck living here, we could be friends.

He didn't come back to the room that night, and I felt my hope vanish. I had laid in bed for hours waiting for him, trying to figure out how to go back to how it was before.

It was the loneliest I had felt since coming here.

I had no one.

At least at my old pack, I had Jake for a long time.

But here, I had a significantly better life. I also had people guarding me, training me, and serving me, so I had no reason to complain. My life could be worse. But none of the people around me each day knew anything about me. They were paid by Killian to treat me well. If I tried to ask them personal questions, they would steer me right back to whatever it was that I was supposed to be doing.

Except for Tobias. His unwillingness to talk made it even more difficult to get to know him.

Sleeping in Killian's arms was the only time I truly felt safe and welcome here. At first, I wasn't sure about the intimate position, but then I grew to crave it. I wanted him to hold me, so I would know that everything was okay. Instead, I wrapped myself tightly in the blanket and fell asleep on my own because everything between US was not okay.

One step forward and two steps back.

Tobias looked surprised the next morning when I told him that I would not be training. It had become a part of our regular routine. But I felt determined to go fix the damage I caused last night with Killian. Perhaps, if I could get him to open up to me a little bit, I could understand better why he chose me at all when he didn't seem to even want a mate.

Tobias stood with his back to the wall opposite the office door as I knocked against the hardwood. When there was no response, I looked over my shoulder gesturing my thumb to the door in a silent question asking if Killian was even inside.

My bodyguard nodded, and I turned the door handle, pausing for just a moment. What if he wasn't alone in there?


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