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The beast and the blessed novel by Ashley Breanne novel Chapter 147

Forty: Tobias

Tobias's P.O.V.

Joselin's movements were jerky, fast, and angry as she shoved more clothes into her bag. I knew she wasn't mad about moving in; she had been excited about it. She was happy when I told her it was time to live together.

Now she was angry, and she was so fucking beautiful when she was angry. She was my personal firecracker. I would never get enough of her.

Joselin glanced around the room, getting more worked up when she didn't find what she was looking for. Her white hair was loose and free around her shoulders. Her pink, puffy lips were down-turned and pressed together tightly in irritation.

Her white eyes narrowed and seemed to light up in irritation when her gaze landed on me. In long strides, she stomped my way, ripped the thin zip-up coat I was folding out of my hands, and proceeded to shove it hap hazardously into her bag.

My empty hands were held out in front of me, and I tightened them into fists as I bit back my laughter before letting them fall to my sides. She sure was something else.

I didn't care that she had an attitude right now. I was too excited to finally have her living in my space, my den...our home.

I stepped back, leaving the bag I had been packing open and only half-filled. The seat in the corner of the room held many great memories, and I sat down, watching my mate with fascination. Joselin never ceased to surprise me. Even after watching and loving her all these years, she still threw me for a loop when she could.

Her aggression as she packed and the furrow of her brow was adorable. So fucking adorable. Whatever was going on inside her dark little mind was lost on me, and I knew when she finally told me what it was that it would knock me off my axis because she did that. Frequently.

Whatever I expected her to say was very rarely what she did.

It took several minutes of me admiring her. The curve of her hips, the way her waist pulled in slightly before moving back out to her chest. Her body was toned and tight from working out so often, and I was excited to get back to training with her.

We had trained together a bit as kids, then went our separate ways during and after Ana. It wasn't until Natalie was brought here that we started training again; even then, we worked with Natalie. We weren't training with each other.

I was too worried that having her pressed up against me, her sweaty skin gliding against mine, and those deadly workout clothes that were like a second layer of skin would be too much. I held myself back until we were both ready for that next step. If I had touched her... if I had given in and let her wrap her body around mine while trying to get me to submit, I would have cracked.

I would have taken her to the floor and fucked her in front of everyone as hard and deep as possible. We couldn't do that then. Neither one of us had been ready for that at the time. Instead, I let her trail her hands over me as she flirted while I was on duty. Fully clothed and unable to act on the dangerous thoughts in my head.

But now we could. Nothing prevented us from training together again, no matter how hot it got. It wouldn't matter because Joselin was mine, and I could take her to this tower, or the bathroom, or any empty room really, and fucked her hard on the floor, up against the wall, on the furniture... the possibilities were endless.

Joselin pulled at the zipper, angry when it wouldn't close, before mumbling and pointing her finger at the bag. I watched everything inside shrink as she sucked the air out of it before zipping it shut with an accomplished, "Hah, you cheap piece of shit."

She glanced up, her jaw clenching, when she saw the abandoned bag I had been working on. "I thought you said you were going to help."

I raised an eyebrow at her, my head leaning back against the chair as I watched her. She was the most beautiful sight I had ever seen, and I was honored she had chosen me. Seeing her angry was like a work of art.

I knew she wasn't angry about her punishment this morning. She seemed to enjoy that more than I did. When I finally let her cum it was the longest and most intense orgasm I had ever seen her have. Her eyes had closed tightly, her body

trembled, and she screamed my name louder than ever before. I continued to fuck her pussy with my tongue, letting her ride out every wave of pleasure she had earned for taking her punishment so well.

Then her body went limp, and as I kissed my way back up her skin, untying her restraints as I went, I couldn't help but smile with pride that she had passed out for a few seconds from the intensity of her release.

"You are magnificent when you're angry." My response seemed to catch her off guard, and she froze as she reached for the bag I had started working on. There was no point for me to continue if she was this bothered by the idea of moving in with me. If she wasn't ready, that was fine by me. I was a patient man. I could wait. I didn't want to, but I could. "Something about you when you're angry is such a fucking turn-on."

I didn't need to explain. I was sure Joselin could see the bulge in my pants from watching her strut around her room like she was on a mission.

"Are you kidding me right now?" She snapped but sounded intrigued as she looked down at my lap.

"What's on your mind, sweetheart?"


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