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The beast and the blessed novel by Ashley Breanne novel Chapter 30

Thirty: Natalle

Natalie’s P.O.V.

My head turned up to look at Killian when they announced me with a title. I felt his arm pull my hand in closer to his side in reassurance as they opened the double doors leading to the long stairs case. He pulled me forward until we were standing just before the banister as he looked out over his people. I tore my gaze away from him, glancing around the room at the luxurious setup and the people filling it.

I had never seen so much wealth in one room. It made me feel even more out of place and uneasy. As their eyes landed on us, I knew they were thinking it too. An omega, a human on the arm of their Lycant king. It was laughable.

I felt my heart hammering in my chest, and I had to wonder how many of them could hear it. Killian sure could as he turned to face me. I held still with my eyes on the crowd as he leaned in and pressed a kiss to my temple.

It was simple. Sweet. A silent declaration that I was his.

As soon as his lips touched my skin, my heart slowed, and my lungs relaxed, allowing me to take in a subtle but deep and calming breath.

The crowd bowed their heads as Killian looked back to them before turning with me to face the staircase. that curved around the wall of the ballroom. It was extravagant, beautiful…deadly.

I was positive that I would break my neck or, at the very least, humiliate myself by taking a tumble down to the bottom. But Killian held me steady as we descended the staircase slowly. Rather, the king did.

Killian was no more. From the look on his face and his posture, he was back to being the king that I hated, that his people loved, and that the rest of the world feared.

As soon as we reached the floor, people began to swarm us, all wanting to get face time with their king, but very few acknowledged me. I was just the woman on his arm until I bore his mark and the crown of the queen. Neither of which seemed to be happening anytime soon.

From the corner of my eyes, I watched as his people curled their lips at me, but when I turned to face. them, they had schooled their features and graced me with a soft smile that must have taken years to perfect.

I made a *note to be cautious around those people. They would not have my trust easily.

It felt like it had been hours of being approached by people for meaningless chatter. It would have been hilarious to watch them babble on to a stone-faced Killian who barely acknowledged them, but we had only made it a few feet from the stairs, and I was parched.

The anxiety of being surrounded by hundreds of Lycans, had all my blood thickening until it felt like I had also turned to stone. As soon as the man before us finished speaking, I looked up at Killian, enjoying the way he turned and gave me his complete and undivided attention.

“I am going to grab a drink. Would you like anything?” Killian shook his head in response, squeezing my hand on his elbow as if he didn’t want to let me step away from his side. He opened his *the respond but closed it again as Joselin approached us, looking rather serious for the occasion.


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