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The beast and the blessed novel by Ashley Breanne novel Chapter 54

Fifty-Four: Natalie

Natalie's P.O.V.

The sun seemed brighter, and I let my hand run across the stained glass design as I left Killian's empty office. I was disappointed that he wasn't there when I tried to stop by for a quick hello...and other things.

But I was too happy to let it bother me. His mark on my neck made me feel like I could do anything in the world.

I also knew that I couldn't steal all of his time. He did have work he needed to do, especially with the additional stress of the council heading this way.

"Natalie, my favorite sister! I need backup. I need you to talk to your mate!" Charlie exclaimed as she walked down the hallway toward me, disrupting my daydream as I stared at the glass mural.

She looked infuriatingly beautiful for a woman who Killian had informed me was sleeping in the woods with a bear. Her steps were light and quiet as she stopped in front of me, the anger melting away from her face as her eyes landed on my neck.

Her emerald eyes widened as she glanced up at my face and then down to my neck once more.

"Holy Hell! That fucking hypocrite!" She pressed her lips together before looking up and down the hallway to make sure no one heard her. Tobias groaned in annoyance as Charlie grabbed my hand and pulled me down the hall and toward a room I hadn't entered before.

I knew he was hoping I would go check on Joselin again since Killian wasn't available. He was on edge lately and the only time I had seen him relax was when he was near her.

It was a grand room, similar in layout to my room, but was designed specifically for a princess. While Killian had a mature beige color palette in his sitting room, Charlie's was decorated with two bright blue couches facing each other and a modern black coffee table between them. The crdme-colored throw pillows paired with it nicely.

I found it fascinating when I sat on the couch and glanced over her shoulder to her bedroom. The untouched bed and spotless room let me know that she had indeed spent the evening in the woods instead of here. My heart hurt for her knowing that she cared that much about the bear shifter and that Killian disapproved of the man that she was willing to sleep in the dirt for.

"This explains all the chaos downstairs. I almost thought I forgot Killian's birthday!" She stopped in front of the couch, and I sat down as she

released my wrist. Her fingers moved up to tap against her mouth as she began to pace.

"The chaos?"

She nodded absentmindedly. "Yeah. They have been prepared for your coronation since you got here, just waiting for your marking. This was perfect timing really. The full moon is in two days, and they will do it then. I just can't believe Killian would be so selfish!"


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