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The beast and the blessed novel by Ashley Breanne novel Chapter 73

Seventy-Three: Natalie

Natalie's P.O.V.

Killian leaned over, grabbing my hand as I stared in horror at our pack. They were laughing and talking loudly as they dug into the first course. Drinks were flowing as they celebrated. The noise was deafening, and I heard a high pitch ringing in my ears.

But there was something alarming about the air in the room. It wasn't as dark as it had been in the infirmary, but I felt ill just being here.

I didn't want to offend the men who had risked their lives for me by staring with distrust, and I looked up at Killian as he gazed at me with confusion. "You don't feel it?" I asked.

Killian looked at me for a moment longer before turning and slowly examining the room. He shook his head as he looked back at me, and I turned away from him to meet Joselin's curious stare and Rona's annoyed one.

’You feel it, don't you?"

Both witches shook their heads, and I sank back into my chair.

"It's not right. Something is not right.’

The food in front of me looked delicious, but my appetite disappeared as I watched the pack dig in. The others may not have sensed it, but I did and trusted my gut.

I could not enjoy the evening when I knew something bigger was happening here. Something evil.

Tobias seemed to have heard me from where he was eating, and he glanced from me to Killian, who had also not

touched his food. They were watching...waiting. They trusted me and my instincts as well.

Their eyes inspected each person for something to be amiss, but everything looked normal.

"It's too dark," I whispered again, as my stomach tied in a knot. The air felt thicker, and I struggled to pull in a deep and calming breath.

Charlie reached across her brother and grabbed my hand, squeezing it as she spoke to me through the pack bond.' Don't worry. Nothing will happen here. Everyone had to cross over Joselin's casting to get here tonight, and there are guards at every entry point.'

I forced a smile at her attempt to calm me, but I also wanted to scream to the pack that they needed to run. Only, I had no proof.

It was nothing but a gut feeling, one that no one else seemed to be having, and I didn't want to ruin their celebration because I was scared. Killian nodded to my plate as he rubbed my knee soothingly.

"Eat something, my love. We are safe for now." I knew he was trying to calm me, but from how his eyes turned black and glazed over, he was contacting someone else through the pack link.

Several guards shifted with unease, and a few of the pack members stood as they continued their conversations. But I knew they were on alert now.


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