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The beast and the blessed novel by Ashley Breanne novel Chapter 85

Eighty-Five: Natalie

Natalie's P.O.V.

The tension in the room was so thick that I felt like we were swimming in it. Charlie's glare was locked on me, and I matched it with as much anger as I could muster.

Killian was fuming as he sat behind his desk, staring at us like a father about to scold his daughters instead of my mate, who had saved me from his blood-thirsty sister. I wasn't sure what I had done wrong, but from the curl of disgust on his lips, I had done something.

It might have been because I had thrown his sister through the wall of their mother's bedroom in front of a dozen people. Perhaps it was because I hadn't told him I was planning on returning to where his father had tried to talk to me before I did it. I knew he had been worried about me after yesterday, and he would have said no to me going...which is precisely why I didn't ask for permission.

It was now time to beg for forgiveness.

"Killian," I started before biting my tongue, knowing that the one who spoke first in any argument or negotiation almost always lost.

He lifted his hand as he closed his eyes. If he hadn't been so angry, I would assume he had been in pain from me saying his name. But if he was, he hid it well because hatred was all I could see when he looked at me again. 1

"The fighting stops now. Figure your shit out!" He growled, sitting back in his chair with his hands crossed over his stomach as he looked between Charlie and me. The relaxed stance was a farce, as his knuckles were white from how tightly he held his hands together.

I turned to Charlie, seeing her glare had never left me. "I did not...."

"You may wear my mother's crown, but you had no right to go near her! I expressly ordered for my mother to be left alone!" She yelled, pushing herself up to stand but stopping when Killian gave a feral growl of warning.

"You..." I tried again, gritting my teeth when she yelled over me again.

"You can be executed for harming a royal family member." Her claws extended, and her nails made small popping noises as they punctured the fabric over the arms of the chair.

I flinched at her clear separation of me from her family... so much for being sisters. We were bound by our connection to Killian but nothing more.

As I opened my mouth to speak, I narrowed my eyes as she did the same and growled at her, "Stop talking over me!”

Charlie snapped her jaw shut before glaring at Killian like a pouting child. I shook my head in disappointment.

"First of all, you do not get to order me to do anything!” Killian growled at me as I stood, and I shot him a glare, daring him to do it again before looking down at Charlie. "I am the queen here, not you! You are nothing but a spoiled princess, and that title has an expiration date. Make peace with that now because I will not continue to put up with your tantrums." 2

Charlie gaped at me, but I could see the fire burning in her eyes. Once I had children with Killian, our children would become the heirs, and Charlie would no longer get to keep her title as the princess.

"Second, I did nothing to your mother or take her anywhere. If you had used any bit of your brain instead of feeding your actions from your emotions, you could have asked any of the witnesses there with me. You're protective of your mother, and I respect that, but you have no right to lash out at me for something I didn't do, especially in front of others!" I wanted to be civil, but the petty voice in the back of my head wanted to make sure that there was no question in Charlie's mind about where she stood in the hierarchy of this family.

"Lastly," I snarled as I placed one hand on the end of each armrest and leaned forward until our faces were only a foot apart. My magic was swirling beneath my skin, and I felt victorious as she was forced back against the cushion and was unable to move. "You say you're the princess, so stop acting like you're the queen. You also say we are sisters, but you don't know the meaning of the word. You don't even see me as part of your family. Regardless, you were the one who attacked me, Princess.

Attempting to murder the queen is treason. Don't forget your place. If anyone is going to be executed, it will be you. I'll inform you of your fate once I decide your punishment." 2

She glared at me as her eyes watered, but her mouth stayed shut. I wasn't sure if that was my doing or if she didn't have anything to say.

I wasn't going to execute her. We all knew that. She was Killian's little sister. He needed her, loved her, and would always protect her. But it was an impactful reminder of the power I now held because of the mark on my neck. I turned to Killian.

A small part of me expected him to be proud of me for holding my own against Charlie, but the hatred was still on his face as his eyes met mine." Charlotte, go cool off." 1

Killian's order surprised me, and I let my hold on Charlie drop. Why hadn't he reprimanded her for attacking his mate? Perhaps he was satisfied with how I had done it, but the look on his face said otherwise. Only a moment later, the office door slammed shut, and we were left alone. His eyes moved from me to the chair I had been sitting in before in a silent order to take a seat.

I almost felt like a stranger with the desk between us as I sat down. This time I stayed silent as I waited for him to speak. I had won the first battle, but this would be our war.


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