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The beast and the blessed novel by Ashley Breanne novel Chapter 87

Eighty-Seven: Killian

Killian’s P.O.V.

Charlie shifted before me, her wolf significantly smaller than mine but just as eager to draw blood. It seemed that was a family trait.

Craving blood...the kill.

I would have been excited about the challenge if she weren't my sister. But this was Charlie. My Charlie. I had protected her all her life and cared for her. But she never grew up. She never listened, and now her insubordination would be her downfall.

I felt my anger start to bubble up. After everything I taught her and everything I had supported her through...

I had always pushed back my feelings on the situation and supported her. Yet, she couldn't give two shits about anyone other than herself. She was rotten and had been corrupted. I could see it now. She was bad. She was evil. 4

Natalie had been right, I had let Charlie get away with far too much, and it needed to stop now.

My vision turned red with rage as the thoughts tumbled through my head quickly. At first, I was just going to fight her until she submitted. I hadn't wanted her to die.

Now it was all I could think about, like a record player on repeat in my mind telling me to end her. I would kill Charlie, win my mate back, and end this madness.

Charlie deserved to die. i

It was such a sudden shift that it almost made me pause. I had never wanted to kill her before. Out of all the people who needed to die, Charlie had never even crossed my mind. Before Natalie, Charlie was the only one I would be willing to die for. Now the tables had turned, and I had to push down the small feeling in the back of my mind telling me this was wrong.

'Killian, this is ridiculous! This is not what I wanted! I was going to punish her, not kill her!' Natalie yelled at me through the pack link, and I glanced over at her adorable face, red with anger. 'What the hell is wrong with you two today?'

I don't know, but I can't stop. 2

Charlie stepped to her right, forcing my attention back to her as I growled lowly. Her body was littered with small silver lines of fur from her scars and battle wounds she had earned over the years that she had been hiding from her responsibilities.

She pranced around the world without a fucking care in the world, going on all these adventures just to come home and shit on everything I had done for our people. Then she had the nerve to attack my mate...

A wave of resentment flooded me, hitting me more deeply than before and fueling me on. It was so strong that my stomach rolled, and my mouth began to water excitedly at the idea of making Charlie bleed.

Then she lunged, her anger driving her forward as she growled menacingly.

I dodged her attack, my muzzle tearing into the flesh on her side. The taste of her blood made my beast purr in happiness as she bucked free and turned with her foaming mouth snapping at me. 3

The pack was quickly surrounding us, the guards trying to keep the audience at bay as they watched their king and princess fighting to the death. I snarled as Natalie pushed herself into the circle, standing too close to Charlie for my liking.

'Do not interfere, mate. This ends now.' I snapped jumping between Charlie and Natalie as I tackled my sister to the ground.

It was a flurry of snapping jaws and razor-sharp claws as we bit and ripped into each other’s flesh, desperate to be the first to make a lethal blow.

Charlie whined as I locked my jaw around the back of her neck.

"Stop it!" Natalie's voice cried out over the crowd. "You're both acting crazy! IV

A chunk of fur hit the ground, falling from my mouth as Charlie ripped herself free again before swinging and slicing her claw down my cheek.

"Son of a bitch. You're both acting crazy!” Natalie's whisper was faint, but it didn't matter how quietly she spoke. I would always hear her.


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