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The beast and the blessed novel by Ashley Breanne novel Chapter 90

Ninety: Natalie

Natalie's P.O.V.

The grass was stained red.

Bodies were strewn across the yard as the dark clouds overhead opened up, letting down a sheet of rain that limited visibility.

With each exhale, I could see my breath coming out in a thick fog, but I didn't feel cold. My body was burning hot as I sprinted down the front steps of the castle. My breathing was rapid and panicked as my head twisted from side to side, trying to locate Killian.

He was out here. I could feel it, the anger and the pain coming from him.

He was out here, and he was hurt.

A large figure raced forward through the rain, and I squinted as I tried to see if he was a friend or foe. But he was moving too fast, and the rain was too heavy. His broad shoulders were smaller than Killian's but were relatively close.

The dark hair made me think it was Tobias or perhaps Damien. But when he was finally close enough for me to identify him, my body froze with fear. The pitch-black eyes were locked on me as he snarled and lunged forward.

I lifted my arms to shield myself as the stranger crashed into my body, but instead of an impact, I felt a sickly chill, and he passed right through me. The sound of a struggle made me turn, and I watched as Heath fought the creature, i

My stomach turned at the sight of him. His skin was even paler than the vampires, and dark circles were under his eyes. His cheeks were sunken in, and his skin was pulled tight to the little muscle he had left.

But it was the open wound across his neck than made me queasy. I knew he was dead. Yet, he stood before me as he fought to protect me.

"Run," He choked out as he fell to his back, barely holding the vampire back as it snapped and clawed at him.' Run!"

My jaw dropped open as his hand slipped, and the vampire was able to sink its teeth into Heath's neck. The scream he let out seemed to follow me as I turned and ran further from the castle and deeper into the battle.

I stumbled as I caught my toe on something before regaining my footing and looking to the side to see a hand. The tanned skin pulled at my heart, and my wide eyes followed it up with horror to its owner, seeing the first man I had ever cared for lying on the ground. His eyes were open but lifeless, staring through me.


"No, no, no," I gasped. I glanced around as the rain began to lighten, seeing the piles of bodies surrounding me. This wasn't how it was supposed to go.

Another surge of pain ripped through me, and my hand flew to my side. I looked up and away from the corpses. I would worry about the dead later. My mate was still alive, and he needed me.

A lone figure was standing to my right, swaying back and forth. I didn't need to be able to see his face to know that he was my mate.

I launched myself over the bodies, sprinting toward him as he stumbled to the side, falling to his knees.

"Killian!" I shouted as he clutched one arm across his body and against his ribs. His other dug into the wet Earth as he held himself up. His uneven gasps for air sounded rough and painful. My hands hovered over him as I fell to my knees, joining him in the mud, scared to touch him. "We need a healer!"

A quick scan of the courtyard only confirmed my worst fears. The few people standing were moving toward the castle. Their black eyes passed over me as they smiled in victory when they saw Killian fighting for his life.

Beyond the city wall, I could hear the terror the black-eyed demons unleashed on the people. The screaming and growling were quickly cut off, leaving only the smell of smoke as the rain ceased.

Killian groaned, and I turned back to him, trying to focus my powers so I could help him. I wasn't a healer, but I could at least try to teleport us out of here like Joselin could. I just needed to get him to safety...to help.


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