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The Bride’s Revenge (Marion Cartier And Jameson Royce) novel Chapter 102

Chapter 102 I Didn’t Mean It That Way 

A sharp pain in her mouth forced tears from Marion’s eyes. Before she could react, Lucas had his 

hand on her cheek

Spit out the spare rib first.” 

It was then that Marion realized the situation she was in and quickly spat out the spare rib. Lucas 

retracted his hand and handed her a cup of warm water

What did you bite?” 

My tongue.” 

Why? Were you distracted by something?” 

She took a sip of water and responded without thinking. Something about a hundred million dollars

As the words left her mouth, Marion felt dumbfounded. She was not her usual self. She must have 

been confused by that sum

She glanced at Lucas who sat across from her. I didn’t mean it that way.‘ 


He raised his eyes to look at her, and calmly said, I understand. Let’s eat first.” 


After so many embarrassing incidents in a row, Marion dared not be distracted anymore. She 

earnestly focused on eating

Mrs. Bailey’s pine nut fish was delicious, and the sweet and sour spare ribs were mouthwatering. The winter melon soup was refreshing and helped counter the heat on such a hot day. Marion liked it 


Lucas quickly put down his fork. Marion instinctively looked up at him. Full already?” 

A guy over six feet tall, and that was all he ate


Lucas responded as he took a sip of the soup. I’m going to make a call.” 

Oh, okay.” 

After Lucas left the table, Marion felt more at ease and even took more dishes to eat

However, Marion soon noticed that she was the only one eating from the four dishes on the table

Lucas had hardly touched them

He had consumed quite a bit of the soup and finished his rice, but the dishes remained largely untouched

Chapter 102I Didn’t Mean It That Way 


Did he not like the food

Marion remembered Mrs. Bailey asking her in the morning about Lucas’s food preferences, and she had casually replied that he was not picky. She felt a pang of regret

Was Lucas not picky? He clearly was

But what could she do? The dishes were already made, and wasting them was not an option

Marion continued eating for a while, until she burped, signaling she was full. It was then that she 

decided to leave the table

Mrs. Bailey returned to clean up, and seeing that most of the dishes were still uneaten, her heart sank. Glancing at the master of the house, who had hardly touched the food, Mrs. Bailey’s heart sank even 


Marion leisurely moved to the sofa, and Mrs. Bailey approached her with a plate of sliced watermelon and washed grapes. Madam, was my cooking not good enough? Did Mr. Craig not like it?” 

Marion’s hand trembled slightly. She quickly reassured Mrs. Bailey. It’s not your fault. It’s mine. I had a disagreement with him this morning and intentionally had you make dishes he didn’t like.” 


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