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The Bride’s Revenge (Marion Cartier And Jameson Royce) novel Chapter 103

Chapter 103 My Mrs. Craig 

It was only Lucas and Marion in the living room. Marion felt guilty and avoided eye contact with 


Before she could figure out how to start the conversation, she heard him ask, Are you close to Ronda

Not really,Marion replied

Lucas remained silent as he sat down and cast a meaningful glance her way

Marion tried to appease him by pushing the watermelon and grapes toward him

Have some watermelon. It’s really sweet.” 

Lucas looked at Marion as she enthusiastically promoted the watermelon. There was a hint of a smile in his dark eyes. However, in an instant, he resumed his cool demeanor. I don’t like sweet things.” 

Unlike rabbits

Marion raised an eyebrow in confusion. Should she tell him that the watermelon was not that sweet

As she took a bite of the watermelon, she suddenly noticed something. Mr. Craig, may I ask you a presumptuous question?” 

Lucas looked at her and raised his eyebrows as he signaled for her to proceed

If you don’t like sweet things, why did you have someone buy such sweet watermelon and grapes?” 

Marion was not trying to pick a fight but was genuinely puzzled

You might have misunderstood,Lucas explained. Marion looked at him expectantly

Whether it’s watermelon or grapes, I didn’t order them. The housekeeper arranged for it.” 

He casually leaned back on the sofa and calmly added, Perhaps the housekeeper thought my Mrs. Craig likes sweet things and wants to please you.” 

For some reason, Lucas’s explanation was oddly fitting. Although they were not a real couple, she was, in fact, his Mrs. Craig

But when the words My Mrs. Craigcame out of Lucas’s mouth, Marion felt abashed

She raised her hand to touch her warm ears. Ah, I see.” 

It was awkward. She decided that she should avoid asking such presumptuous questions in the future. Marion sighed inwardly

Thinking about poor Mrs. Bailey, she mustered the courage to ask, Was today’s lunch not to your liking because the pine nut fish and sweet and sour spare ribs were too sweet?” 

Lucas glanced at her. Isn’t it?” 

Chapter 103 My Mrs. Craig 


What do you mean by isn’t it?” 

Yes, and yet not entirely.” 

Was Lucas teasing her

Marion finished the watermelon, sighed, and suppressed her emotions. I asked Mrs. Bailey to make lunch today. She did a good job, and the dishes were delicious. Will you keep her on?” 

She carefully watched him, fearing that a simple nowould determine Mrs. Bailey’s fate

Lucas looked into her round eyes. There was a hint of anticipation in his eyes. It made it hard for 

Marion to be firm with him

If you like her, you can keep her on as a cook.” 

Marion relaxed, and she sincerely said, Thank you.” 


Lucas looked at her, his eyebrows and eyes subtly moved as he closed his eyes for a short rest


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