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The Bride’s Revenge (Marion Cartier And Jameson Royce) novel Chapter 104

Chapter 104 She Can’t Stand It

Just when Marion thought the captivating man was not paying attention to her question, he calmly spoke, You’re right. I’ll have Daniel organize the information and give it to you later.” 

Could he not have said that earlier? Was it necessary to be so serious? Of course, Marion dared not say 


Alright,she nodded with a smile and looked at the watermelon and grapes in front of her

After hesitating for a moment, she decided to take them. I’m going to the music room to practice the piano. I ate a bit too much, I need to burn some calories.” 

Lucas glanced at the plate of watermelon in her hands and nodded

Marion was afraid that he might hug her again so she quickly walked to the stairs, holding onto the railing as she ascended

Mr. Craig was too enthusiastic and she was overwhelmed

Lucas watched the figure on the stairs until his phone rang. Only then did he shift his gaze

Seeing the caller ID, his black eyes instantly cooled down. Lucas picked up the phone, reluctantly answering, a hint of impatience in his features

He remained silent as a harsh, rough male voice came from the other end. Are you going to marry 


You’re mistaken. I’m already married to her.” 

You’re kidding! The Craig family won’t allow such a woman to marry into the family!” 

She entered my house, not the Craig family’s.” 

A string of angry words quickly followed on the other end of the phone. Lucas looked out of the window and watched the sunlight. If it’s nothing important I’m hanging up.” 

With that, he ended the call

Arthur heard the busy signal from his phone and angrily pounded his desk

Veronica entered with a tray of tea and noticed his displeased expression

Have a cup of tea to calm down.” 

Now that he’s powerful, he disregards my words!” 

Veronica, recalling the encounter with Marion that morning, also looked displeased

Marion is quite audacious!” 

Arthur became even more infuriated at her words. I’d like to meet this Marion!” 

Chapter 104 She Can’t Stand It


No, you can’t!Veronica hastily advised him

You know Lucas’s temper. I’ve probably already angered him by going to see her today. If you go meet Marion now, be careful. He might confront you,” 

While still angry, Arthur acknowledged the truth in Veronica’s words. Should I just let this Marion marry into the family?” 

Veronica pursed her lips. I do have an idea.” 

Tell me.‘ 

Ten minutes later, Veronica left the study. Coincidentally, she ran into Phillip on his way in

Don’t go looking for your dad now. He’s upset!” 


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