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The Bride’s Revenge (Marion Cartier And Jameson Royce) novel Chapter 121

Chapter 121 Candy from the Other Day

Marion caught Lucas’s eye, and she felt uneasy.

Initially, she had intended to continue playing, but after a short segment, she found it challenging to withstand the intensity of the man’s gaze. She stopped and asked, “Is there something you need Mr. Craig?”

Lucas stood by the piano, his head lowered as his dark eyes fixed on her. “Have you been avoiding me lately?”

When he spoke, his voice did not fluctuate. There was only a slight emphasis in his tone as if he were casually asking a question.

Marion’s heart skipped a beat.

Unable to control herself, she remembered her erotic dream, and her face turned red once again.

She forced herself to keep a straight face and met Lucas’s gaze. “Oh, have I? I have a charity performance tomorrow, so I’ve been practicing this piece…”

Lucas lightly tapped his hand on the piano. It seemed he had no intention of pressing the issue. “Is there any of that candy from the other day left?”

“Huh?” Marion was taken aback by the unexpected question. After a moment of hesitation, she said, ” Yes, I have some in my room.”

Marion looked at him, hesitated for a moment, and then asked, “Do you want some? I can go get it for you.”

“Yes, please.”

Marion found his demeanor surprising. She fetched a handful of mango candies from her room and returned to the piano room, where Lucas was waiting.

Marion offered them to him. “Do you need the piano?”

“Not in a great mood.”

He said something unrelated, his gaze falling on the mango candy in her palm. He reached out and took one. “Play me a piece?”

Lucas sat calmly before the white piano, his eyes lowered. He appeared forlorn.

Marion was one to respond to kindness rather than toughness, especially since Lucas had mentioned his not-so-good mood. Feeling guilty, she sat down beside him. “What would you like me to play?”


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