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The Bride’s Revenge (Marion Cartier And Jameson Royce) novel Chapter 122

Chapter 122 She Conveniently Forgot Him

Marion found it hard to comprehend. Disturbed by Lucas, she lost the motivation to continue practicing and went back to her room. She reached for her phone to message Cassie.

Marion: [Cassie, I have a question. I have a friend who also plays the piano. She has a male friend who suddenly told her he was in a bad mood and asked her to play Schumann’s ‘Traumerei’ for him.]

Cassie: [And then?]

Marion: [Schumann’s ‘Traumerei’ was composed for his lover, Clara, so it has a romantic vibe. At first, my friend didn’t think much of it. She assumed her male friend didn’t know the backstory. But after she finished playing, he suddenly said, “This piece is Schumann’s dedication to his lover Clara.’]

Cassie: [Oh, I see. What happened next?]

Marion: [After saying that, he formally thanked my friend. She felt like her male friend was playing some mind games, but at the same time, she thought he wouldn’t do that…]

Cassie: [I get it. So, you mean Lucas told you he was not in a good mood today, had you play’ Traumerei’, then, after you finished, he suddenly told you he knew the backstory and thanked you. Now, you’re wondering what your husband is up to, right?]

Marion: [It’s not me,

it’s my friend!]

Cassie: [Okay, your friend. Please excuse my directness, but based on my twenty-six years of singlehood experience, your husband, oh no, your friend’s male friend is probably confessing his feelings.]

Cassie: [He’s quite the player, expressing his feelings in such a unique way! Ah, another day of having this rubbed in my face!]

Marion: [No, you misunderstand, Cassie! It’s my friend! My friend…]

Cassie: [Which friend of yours? Oh, isn’t that me? Sweetheart, don’t overthink it. Your mysterious husband is confessing to you, hurry up and do something about it! I’m out!]

Marion wanted to argue, but Cassie had already left the conversation.

She tossed her phone aside and touched her flushed face. Lucas had confessed to her?

Well, Cassie dared to think so! Marion decided not to dwell on the matter anymore, grabbed her clothes, and hurriedly went to take a shower to prepare for bed.

Tomorrow, she had a charity performance to attend!

That night, Marion’s door opened with a ‘click’.


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