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The Bride’s Revenge (Marion Cartier And Jameson Royce) novel Chapter 123

Chapter 123 She Must Have an Explanation

“Marion?” Miley called Marion for the third time, but there was no response. She raised her hand and gently pushed Marion.

Marion, startled by the push, snapped back to attention and looked at Miley. “What’s wrong? Have we arrived?”

Miley shook her head, watching Marion with some concern. “Mar, are you okay? I called you three times just now…”

Marion awkwardly rubbed her ear and blushed, “Nothing, I just spaced out for a moment.

Because of Cassie’s wild analysis, she had another erotic dream last night.

The first half of the dream was normal, just after she played “Dreaming” for Lucas last night, he thanked her.

But the latter half was absurd. Lucas said he had nothing to offer in return, so he could only offer himself and proceeded to kiss her.

The kiss tasted like mango, and she still remembered it vividly.

Oh no, she let Cassie’s ideas mess with her head!

Lost in thought, the car had already arrived at the venue for the charity concert.

Marion dared not daydream again and followed Miley out of the car into the venue.

This time, Marion’s participation was in fundraising for cochlear implants for deaf children.

When she received the invitation, she was quite surprised. After all, the charity concert seemed quite large-scale.

Marion was not fond of promoting herself, and her popularity in Mystara was not very high.

Usually, she would not have been invited to such large-scale events.

However, since she received the invitation and it was for a good cause, Marion naturally could not


Before attending, both Marion and Miley were mentally prepared to join the crowd for the charity

concert. The organizers would probably not pay much attention to them.

But when they were ignored, Marion felt uncomfortable.

Miley was not happy either. She had been Marion’s assistant for five years and had never been treated

so coldly.


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