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The Bride’s Revenge (Marion Cartier And Jameson Royce) novel Chapter 133

Chapter 133 Is This a Romantic Drama?

“Are you sure?” Marion could not be that unlucky, right?

As soon as Marion uttered her words, she saw Lucas bend down towards her. She was taken aback, ”

Mr. Craig, you-”

Before she could finish her sentence, Lucas directly lifted her. She instinctively struggled but he did

not seem to mind.

He held her securely and then walked towards the exit. “With so many people around, if you struggle,

we’ll be the center of attention.”

His words worked like a spell that froze Marion in place. She felt paralyzed.

In truth, Lucas had already attracted attention when he moved from the front row to the second row.

As he carried Marion and left the seat, it inevitably caused a small sensation.

Listening to the murmurs around her, Marion had no choice but to bury her head completely in Lucas’s chest, pretending to be oblivious, much like an ostrich burying its head in the sand.

By the time Miley realized what was happening, Lucas had already taken Marion away.

Initially engrossed in the dance performance in front, Miley suddenly heard someone gasp, caused her to look up.

What the heck! Did she see it right? Was Marion being carried away by Mr. Craig?


Miley stood there in a daze for a few seconds before snapping out of it. Without giving it a second thought, she dashed outside. Why would he carry her away like that? Did something happen to Marion?

Miley reached outside, just as Lucas placed Marion into the car.

“Mr. Craig, what happened to Marion?”

Lucas glanced at her. He recognized Miley as Marion’s assistant. “Taking her to the hospital to check her calf.”

With Lucas’s reminder, Miley recalled the incident. “Oh, right, indeed, a hospital visit is necessary.

Miley tactfully stepped back and watched as the Bentley slowly drove away. She clicked her tongue.


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