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The Bride’s Revenge (Marion Cartier And Jameson Royce) novel Chapter 134

Chapter 134 I Can’t Put Up With It

Cassie hurriedly checked the trending topics and trembled with anger. She wanted to call Marion but was afraid she might be occupied at the event. Instead, she sent a message on WhatsApp.

Cassie: [Mar! Go online quickly and see how Althea’s fans suddenly turned hostile towards you.]

Then she sent Marion a few screenshots.

Marion thought Cassie was inquiring about her charity performance. However, when she clicked on the message, it turned out to be a post related to her on the trending topics:


At first glance, the trending hashtag seemed ambiguous, but upon further inspection, it was filled with negative comments aimed at Marion.

Marion furrowed her brow and scrolled through for a while, quickly identifying the root of the issue.

It turned out that when Althea was informed that she was not needed for the charity performance, she caused a scene backstage for half an hour. It was not until the performance started, and she saw Marion on stage, that she angrily left.

After leaving, Althea immediately posted a video on Twitter, clearly insinuating that Marion used her privilege to kick Althea out of the charity performance.

[That pianist is really something, thinking she’s so great after winning a few questionable awards. abroad. Unable to justify her talent, she resorts to privilege. Tsk, tsk, tsk, I’ve truly broadened my


With the Twitter post from Althea, her fans quickly identified Marion. In just an hour, Althea became the top trending topic, while Marion took the second spot.

[Doing charity and making use of privileges? I don’t think this world can get any better!]

[Tsk, tsk, tsk, Miss Jiang is really impressive. She married well!]

[Does Marion think Althea has no fans? How dare an unknown pianist compete for the opening act with Althea? Where does she get the audacity?]


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