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The Bride’s Revenge (Marion Cartier And Jameson Royce) novel Chapter 140

Chapter 140 Do We Have a Problem?

“Why are you apologizing?

Lucas’s brows twitched when he heard her question, and he subtly repositioned his legs.

He adjusted his posture and leaned forward with his elbows on his thighs which brought him closer to 


Marion felt the familiar woody fragrance enveloping her as Lucas’s dominent and assertive aute

surrounded her.

Instinctively, she tried to shift away from him, only to realize that she was sitting at the edge of the


It was a miscalculation.

As she regained her composure, she said, “This incident has caused quite a stir and may have harmed your reputation. I apologize.”

That was the only reason she could think of for Lucas to be upset.

“This kind of thing doesn’t affect me,” Lucas replied.

Looking at the embarrassed Marion in front of him, the frustration in his heart suddenly dissipated.

He lowered his eyes, opened the box of mango candies, and took one. He placed it in his mouth.

“Do you really not need my help?” he asked.

Why was he not angry, and why was he eating the candy she gave him?

Marion watched Lucas and could not help but feel sorry for Daniel.

It was like living with a tiger.

She shook her head. “Not for now. I’ve already asked Miley to handle it.”

She thought it best to just say what came to mind.

Marion glanced at her phone and showed Lucas the caller ID, “I need to take this call, Mr. Craig.”


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