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The Bride’s Revenge (Marion Cartier And Jameson Royce) novel Chapter 161

Chapter 161 How Can It Not Look Good?

Upon hearing the stylist’s words, Marion, who had just raised her hand, immediately dropped it back down. She did not dare touch such an expensive necklace!

The stylist had put it on her with a slight flourish. Marion’s once-empty neckline was adorned with a flawless brownish-yellow diamond pendant which shimmered under the lights and nestled against her chest.

Marion glanced at the mirror in front of her. Her gaze focused on the massive diamond. She

considered asking someone to put the necklace away but hesitated, not wanting to appear ungrateful.

It was too costly. A necklace worth millions on her neck she afford to pay the consequences?

what if something happened? How could

What kind of event was it anyway? Why did she need to wear such an extravagant necklace?

“It looks stunning, Mrs. Craig,” the stylist praised her sincerely.

Marion smiled, “Thank you.”

‘With 55 million right before you, how could it not look good?’ Marion thought to herself.

Lucas immediately spotted Marion standing in front of the mirror as he approached. He rarely saw her dressed like that.

The tight-waisted gown perfectly showcased her slender figure, with the diamond pendant highlighting her subtle curves.

His dark eyes shone as he walked over. “Very beautiful.”

A familiar scent of cedarwood wafted over.

Marion was startled. She turned her head and met those profound black eyes. Instinctively, she raised a hand to touch her warm, reddening ear, “You’re here.”

Lucas was dressed in a white suit tailored to perfection. His facial features were deep-set, his jawline sharp, the epitome of striking good looks.

However, Lucas exuded an aloofness that permeated his entire being, and the white suit only emphasized his noble and icy demeanor.

Yes, icy.

Marion glanced at the mirror in front of her. Dressed in a white fitted gown, she could not help but notice that they were unintentionally coordinating, like a real couple.

Despite knowing it was all for show, she felt slightly embarrassed.


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