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The Bride’s Revenge (Marion Cartier And Jameson Royce) novel Chapter 162

Chapter 162 I Would Choose You Too

Having someone accompany you to the restroom was something one did only in elementary school.

As Marion sat in the car, she could not shake off the overwhelming sense of awkwardness she felt. The lights outside the car window were dazzling as each passing light cast a distinct three- dimensional play of light and shadow on Lucas’s side profile.

Marion sighed. “What a waste that such a face was not gracing the big screens…”

The car was originally silent, but her voice suddenly broke the tranquility inside.

The traffic light ahead turned red, and even the focused driver in front could not help but glance in

the rearview mirror.

Lucas, who had been pretending to doze off, slowly opened his eyes and turned his head to look directly at her.

Marion kept very still.

She wanted to smack herself!

‘But he looks so handsome!’ She protested internally.

Marion felt her cheeks burning. She did not dare look up at Lucas and instead kept her head down as she stared at the diamond on her chest.

“Do you like the necklace?” Lucas asked.

Marion glanced at him and then at the necklace in front of her. She nodded, “I like it.” Who would not

like a necklace worth millions of dollars?

“Alright,” he nonchalantly responded.

“Is the necklace beautiful, or am I beautiful?” he teased.

Marion hesitated in her response, “How can you compare yourself to a necklace Mr. Craig? But if I had to choose, I think I would choose you. After all, your bone structure and facial features are so exceptional.”

‘Such exaggeration!’ Lucas thought.


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