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The Bride’s Revenge (Marion Cartier And Jameson Royce) novel Chapter 167

Chapter 167 You Wouldn’t Just Watch Someone Die, Right?

Marion felt that Alice was definitely doing it on purpose! She was intentionally getting close to Marion to approach Lucas!

Tsk tsk tsk!

She had just thought that Alice was not up to the task, but who would have thought she could hide her intentions so well!

Afraid that she might unintentionally sell Lucas out, Marion quickly got up to leave. But just as she took a few steps, Alice called out to her, “Miss Marion!”

Marion was growing impatient with the situation. She turned around and looked at Alice.

“Lucas and I are already married, Miss Alice. As a wealthy young lady, you have plenty of admirers. There’s no need to sniff after Lucas.”

“You’re absolutely right.”

Alice stood up but did not walk towards Marion. Instead, she headed to the swimming pool behind her.

Marion found it amusing. “Do you think such clumsy tactics will work?”

Come on, there was a three- to four-meter gap between them. Even if Alice fell into the water, there was no way the splash would reach Marion.

However, as if she had not heard Marion, Alice continued, “Can you swim, Miss Marion?”

She did not seem to expect Marion to answer as she paused for a moment before continuing, “I can’t swim. There’s no one else here. If I were to fall in, you wouldn’t just stand by and watch me die, right?

‘Alice could lead a group of scam artists!’ Marion thought savagely.

Before Marion could react, she heard a splash as Alice jumped into the swimming pool.



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