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The Bride’s Revenge (Marion Cartier And Jameson Royce) novel Chapter 168

Chapter 168 Marion is My Savior

The startled scream quickly drew people from the banquet hall. Marion had just pulled Alice out of the swimming pool when a crowd rushed out behind her.

“I saw it! I saw her push Miss Alice into the pool!”

Did Alice arrange for people to lie just to slander her?

Marion suddenly regretted jumping in to save her. If she had not, Alice’s ‘backup plan’ might have worked!

Marion frowned, walked to her discarded shoes, and picked up the necklace.

She could not afford to lose it!

Just as she lifted her shoes, and looked around to find support from Lucas, Veronica rushed over with a crowd of her own. “What’s going on? What happened, Alice?”

Alice seemed disoriented and at that moment, she was coughing and spitting water.

Before she could speak, the woman who claimed to have seen Marion push Alice spoke up.

“It’s her! I saw her push Miss Alice into the swimming pool! If I hadn’t seen it, Miss Alice might be in serious trouble right now!”

“Is Marion insane? Did she want to kill Miss Alice? Murder is a crime! Does she think that by getting rid of Miss Alice, she can secure her position as Mrs. Craig?”

“Oh my! Marion is truly malicious! No wonder the Craig family doesn’t recognize her as their daughter-in-law!”

“Let’s call the police! This is attempted murder!”

The surrounding crowd was in a heated discussion.

Marion, who usually avoided arguments, had initially intended to wait until Lucas arrived before speaking. However, upon hearing the crowd, she lifted her head, sneered, and said, “Fine, let’s call the police then!”


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