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The Bride’s Revenge (Marion Cartier And Jameson Royce) novel Chapter 191

Chapter 191 That’s Not Something I Want to Think About

Meanwhile, in the Maybach.

Seated in the car, Marion replayed everything that had just happened, questioning if her head had

taken a hit.

How could she-just run into Lucas’s arms like that? Thinking about the situation when she nestled into Lucas’s embrace, she could not help but feel her heart racing even now.

‘You’re so pathetic, Marion!’ she scolded herself.

‘It’s just a performance, why act all shy like an inexperienced schoolgirl?

‘But he’s Lucas!

‘Right, he’s Lucas!

‘The epitome of a man!’

“What are you thinking about?”

In the quiet car, Lucas’s voice broke the silence. Marion paused, looked up at the man beside her, and

blurted out, “Thinking about the epitome of a man.’


As soon as she said it, she could see Lucas’s expression changing.

His black eyes stared at her, and Marion blushed, “It’s not what you’re thinking, Mr. Craig!”

“What is it, then?”

What was it?

Could she say that his embrace made her blush and her heart race?

Is that something she could say?

Marion’s lips moved, “It’s just, it’s just—”

“Just unable to come up with a clever explanation, right?”

To hell with it all, she was too tired!

Marion lowered her head and gave up on explaining.

Regardless of how she explained, it seemed like it would only lead to Lucas’s misunderstanding.

‘Whatever, let him think whatever he wants.’

In the dimly lit car, with the flickering lights outside the window, Lucas looked at her reddening ears and chuckled softly.

Though the laughter lasted only a brief few seconds, Marion could still hear it.


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