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The Bride’s Revenge (Marion Cartier And Jameson Royce) novel Chapter 192

Chapter 192 It’s Normal for Me to Steal a Few Glances

Marion caught her breath, as she stared at Lucas blankly. “I’m sorry-”

As she spoke, she reached out to take the phone.

Lucas did not give her a hard time. He simply let go and placed the phone directly into her hand.

Marion took the phone, her ears burning, and nervously glanced at Lucas.

He probably did not see it, right?

The driver in front apologized and explained that a sudden delivery car had rushed into their lane.

“Let’s drive.”

Liam, feeling relieved, drove even more cautiously.

The atmosphere in the car returned to silence. Marion sighed in relief.

If Lucas did not react, that meant he had not seen it.

Even if he did, it would not matter.

She had not said anything questionable to Cassie. And Cassie had only been praising Lucas.

Ten minutes later, the car pulled into the villa.

Marion and Lucas got out of the car and walked side by side from the garage to the living room.

Marion walked to the kitchen island, intending to pour a glass of warm water.

Lucas had already poured it and placed it in front of her.

“Thank you.”

She glanced at Lucas and her gaze lingered for a moment on the exposed collarbone beneath his shirt.

But it was only a moment. Marion immediately forced herself to retract her gaze.

From that day onwards, she wanted to be a fresh and cute Marion!

Sneaking glances at people’s abdominal muscles and collarbones was absolutely forbidden!

As she silently made her resolution, saw something move in the corner of her eye.

Marion instinctively looked up.


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