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The Bride’s Revenge (Marion Cartier And Jameson Royce) novel Chapter 194

Chapter 194 I Feel So Embarrassed

Lucas had just finished swimming, and as he walked in, water droplets from his damp hair traced a path down his chiseled face, eventually dripping onto the floor.

He was draped in a loosely-worn bathrobe that seemed carelessly thrown on, with the neckline nearly open. It revealed his distinct muscles beneath.

Marion could not help but stare at his physique.

“Have you had breakfast?” Lucas inquired.

Marion quickly averted her gaze, “Just finished.”

Living under the same roof, one would become familiar with each other’s daily routines.

At nine in the morning, she had just finished breakfast, while Lucas had already gone for a swim! No wonder he had such a great physique, while she could not even get visible abdominal lines!

Lucas nodded slightly, using his robe to wipe his hair. The robe lifted and exposed his upper body.

Marion once again had a clear view of his well-defined abs and thoughts like ‘I want to touch it’ filled her mind, all thanks to Cassie’s influence.

Realizing how shameless her thoughts were, Marion’s face turned red instantly!

Lucas released his grip, and the robe fell back into place, concealing those captivating muscles.

Marion, with restraint, withdrew her gaze, “I’ll go practice the piano.”

‘Empty your mind! Empty your mind!’ She reminded herself. She should not let Lucas’s well-toned body cloud her judgment.

Okay, his body was not just good, it was exceptional!

Lucas looked at her, “Are you feeling hot?”

Marion’s eyes widened as she shook her head in confusion, “No, I’m not feeling hot.”

“Oh, then why is your face so red?”

Marion’s face was initially just slightly flushed, but when Lucas inquired, it turned a deeper shade of red.

“Oh, really? Maybe it’s a bit stuffy today,” she replied.

Just as she spoke, a breeze swept by, carrying Lucas’s faint woody fragrance. Marion felt a tingling sensation throughout her body.


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