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The Bride’s Revenge (Marion Cartier And Jameson Royce) novel Chapter 195

Chapter 195 Be More Careful Next Time

Marion buried her head, “Could you please leave first, Mr. Craig?”

Despite being a quite clever person, why did Marion seem like a clumsy penguin whenever she was around Lucas?

“If you stay crouched like this, your blood circulation might be affected, and you could feel dizzy when you stand up later. Can you guarantee that you won’t feel lightheaded and fall when you get up later? What’s more important, feeling embarrassed or ensuring your safety?”

Well, safety was more crucial.

Marion bit her lip and decided to let go of her concerns. She looked up at Lucas and said, “Do you think I look like a clumsy penguin?”

“Not at all,” Lucas replied.

Marion secretly breathed a sigh of relief, but her relief lasted only for a moment.

Lucas spoke again, “More like a clumsy rabbit.’


Alright, she got it. There was too much evidence of her clumsiness in front of him.

Yet Marion did not want to change that perception.

If he thought she was clumsy, it was better than discovering she harbored feelings for him. With that in mind, Marion did not feel so embarrassed.

She pursed her lips, comforted herself, and decided to stand up and go to the piano room to practice.

As soon as she stood up, as Lucas had warned, her vision blurred, and her head felt dizzy. Her body swayed as she struggled to find her balance.

“Feeling dizzy?” Lucas extended his hand to support her, and she leaned on him. After a few seconds, her vision gradually cleared, and the dizziness subsided.

She looked up, her gaze fixed on his Adam’s apple, recalling the day Lucas asked if she wanted to

touch it.

Almost involuntarily, she could not resist asking, “Can I touch your Adam’s apple again?”

‘Marion, have you become bolder?’ She asked herself.

“Weren’t you quite thorough the last time?” Lucas responded in surprise.

Marion’s audacity instantly vanished. She quickly apologized, “I’m sorry, I wasn’t making sense.”


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