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The Bride’s Revenge (Marion Cartier And Jameson Royce) novel Chapter 200

Chapter 200 What Do You Want to Do?

Kirk watched as the two figures holding hands gradually moved away, the gaze beneath his sunglasses darkening slightly.

That Lucas!

Bruce tensed at Kirk’s lack of response. “What’s wrong? Aren’t you afraid of being recognized?”

Kirk finally shifted his gaze and left the coffee shop. He remained silent. He was upset about something.

Bruce furrowed his brow, finding the situation strange. What had just happened?

Marion, fully immersed in her act, only realized they were holding hands when they entered the elevator. Their ten fingers were tightly intertwined!

Her face immediately flushed a deep crimson. “Your acquaintance did not enter the elevator, right?”

Lucas glanced at her and calmly replied, “No.”

With that, he voluntarily let go of her hand. The warmth between their palms dissipated with the


Marion looked down at her right hand. She could not quite explain what she was feeling. The elevator stopped on the first floor, and as most people walked out, there was more space inside.

Marion shifted to the side, making an effort not to lean too close to Lucas. It was not that she disliked him. She just feared being perceived as overly affectionate.

Noticing her movement, Lucas glanced at her. “It’s a bit warm,” she said quietly.

She was not avoiding Lucas. She just did not want to invade his personal space.

“Ah.” He responded nonchalantly. The elevator doors opened again, and Marion breathed a sigh of


In the car, Marion obediently fastened her seatbelt. At that moment, Lucas’s phone suddenly rang.

Lucas frowned slightly as he answered the call. “What’s the matter?”

“How about having dinner together?” It was Martin.

“Didn’t you ask me to call you?”

“No time,” Lucas said.

Martin chuckled. “So, what do you want to do?”

“Just coffee.”

Martin had never known what Lucas’s interests might be. “Alright, I’ll ask Preston to bring something.”

Chapter 200 What Do You Want to Do?


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