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The Bride’s Revenge (Marion Cartier And Jameson Royce) novel Chapter 201


Are you threatening me?” 

Arthur could never imagine himself being threatened the way Marion just did

How am I threatening you?Marion asked innocently. Isn’t trust the most important thing between husband and wife? If you come to me today, Lucas will know about it. When he finds out, will surely ask what you said to me and of course, I will tell him the truth.” 



Marion paused and added, “Or is it that between you and your wife, you always hide things from each other?” 

That further infuriated Arthur. Even Arthur’s assistant, listening nearby, wanted to rebuke Marion

Just then there was movement in the foyer

Everyone in the living room instinctively looked towards the entrance, and Lucas, in a black suit, appeared before them. His face was grave

Marion instinctively went to him. You came back at just the right time! Your dad says I threatened him!” 

Arthur was speechless

Young lady, be careful with your words,he thought to himself

Lucas glanced at Marion, saw the faint excitement in her eyes, without a hint of grievance, and finally let go of the tension he had been holding all the way home

He raised his hand, gently embraced her from behind, and stood in front of her, blocking Arthur’s piercing gaze. What do you want?” 

Marion, peeking from behind Lucas, glanced at Arthur. With her hand resting on Lucas’s arm, she gently tiptoed, and whispered in his ear, It’s a good thing you’re back otherwise, I might have angered your dad to death.” 

It’s okay.” 

Lucas comforted her

In Arthur’s eyes, the actions of the two were quite intimate, and his face turned purple. Do you see me as your father?” 

Do you still see me as your son?” 

Ungrateful child!” 

When Arthur got angry, he tended to want to smash things. Now, he was infuriated by Lucas and Marion, and his face turned blue. He thought about grabbing something from the coffee table and smashing it


Chapter 211 | Only Listen to Himf 


However, Lucas looked at him without expression. This is the house my mother left me. The things inside belong to my mother, me, and my wife. You have no right or qualifications to touch them. Also, I believe my mother wouldn’t want you to set foot on her property. Please leave, and in the future, if you have any business, contact me directly. There’s no need to involve Marion.” 

Lucas paused for a moment and added, She listens only to me.” 

Marion, standing behind Lucas, nodded vigorously, saying, Yes, I only listen to him!” 

How dare you!” 

Arthur was so angry that his whole body was trembling. His assistant hurriedly stepped forward to calm him, saying, Mr. Craig, please calm down. Calm down, Sir!” 

The assistant then looked at Lucas and said, Mr. Craig Jr, Mr. Craig is your father. For the sake of an outsider, to anger him like this, I believe your mother wouldn’t approve.” 

Who do you think you are to speak to me so in my house? If my mother were here, she wouldn’t allow you to come here to bully my wife!” 


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