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The Bride’s Revenge (Marion Cartier And Jameson Royce) novel Chapter 206

Chapter 206 I Won’t Look 

Marion knew that Lucas had a good physique, but she did not know it was that impressive

As she watched him approach, she swallowed. When she became aware of her reaction, Marion’s ears turned red, and the blush quickly spread from her earlobes to her cheeks

Lucas stood in front of her, and Marion subconsciously took a step back. Are you looking for me?Lucas asked, his black eyes meeting her gaze

Marion, still captivated by the close view of his abdominal muscles, suddenly felt thirsty again. She quickly brought the glass to her lips, took a large sip, and then spoke, I was just wandering around.” 

Oh,Lucas replied without saying much. Then he turned around and dived into the pool. Water splashed, some reaching her skirt and some onto her feet. It felt cool and refreshing, quite different from the scorching heat of the evening

Her gaze followed Lucas as he swam freestyle. With each movement, the muscles on his body became even more pronounced. Marion instinctively touched her slightly bulging abdomen and then her soft 


MaybeI should go for a swim too? But not now,she thought to herself

Marion pretended to sip her water while observing Lucas. The cup was emptied in no time, and she felt too embarrassed to stay longer. She returned to the villa

Mrs. Bailey was surprised to see her. When did you come back, Madam?Marion was about to say she had returned a while ago, but Mrs. Bailey added, Sir seems to have gone swimming. You should let him know that dinner will be ready in twenty minutes.” 

Marion sighed, Alright.She had no choice but to head back to the poolside

Lucas seemed tired from swimming and was leaning against the poolside, catching his breath. Marion approached, Mr. Craig, Mrs. Bailey said that dinner will be ready in twenty minutes.” 

Lucas looked up at her, Alright.Marion could not tell if it was an illusion, but she felt a restrained desire in his black eyes. She blinked, and when she looked again, his eyes appeared as calm as ever. Did her eyes deceive her

Marion had squatted down when she spoke to Lucas. She raised the cup, intending to take another sip of water but then remembered that the cup was empty. She grinned awkwardly, I’ll go in first.” 

Lucas shifted his gaze away, looking at the water’s surface. He responded faintly, Hmm.” 

After squatting for a few minutes, Marion felt dizzy as she stood up. Without anything to support herself, she swayed. Absentmindedly, she lifted the cup again, forgetting it was empty. With an unsteady swing, the cup flew out of her hand

No, not that!Realizing the cup had flown out of her hand, Marion disregarded her dizziness and instinctively tried to reach for it. Failing to catch the cup, she tumbled into the water

Chapter 206 | Won’t Look 


There was a huge splash, and Marion emerged from the pool, meeting Lucas’s deep gaze


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