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The Bride’s Revenge (Marion Cartier And Jameson Royce) novel Chapter 207

Chapter 207 Enough, Stop Talking 

Lucasgaze lingered on her face for a moment, then he swam to the edge of the pool and got out. When he said he would not look, he genuinely kept his word. After getting out, he headed straight to the shower. Marion was left alone in the pool

Without Lucas around, Marion felt less awkward. She quickly swam to the edge and got out. The dress was soaked, making it heavy as it clung to her body. Standing by the pool, she looked down at her dress as water continuously dripped from her

However, Lucas soon returned with a towel. He wrapped it around her, saying, Hurry back, don’t catch a cold. I’ll get your glass for you.” 

It’s notMarion began to explain, but she decided against it. No amount of explanation could cover up her embarrassment. She glanced at him awkwardly. Sorry, Mr. Craig.” 

Lucas chuckled. Sorry for what? You didn’t hit me.” 

Marion decided to stop talking about it. She tightened the towel around her. I’ll go back to shower and change.” 

Before he could answer her, she had already run off, leaving a trail of water along the way

Lucas watched her departing figure, thinking about the slender legs under that soaked dress. He turned and jumped back into the pool to retrieve Marion’s glass

In the meantime, the housekeeper had prepared dinner, thinking Marion was in her room. As she walked towards the living room, she was startled to see Marion running in

Madam, what happenedWhat’s going on?Mrs. Bailey was taken aback

Just went for a swim,Marion replied nonchalantly, refusing to admit she had fallen into the 


Oh, wow! Both Madam and Sir are so healthy. Swimming is such a good exercise. I’ll leave the dinner here, Madam. It’s getting late,Mrs. Bailey exclaimed

Marion nodded, Yes, swimming is a great sport. I’ll go upstairs for a shower, Mrs. Bailey. You can head home now. It’s getting late.” 

Alright, alright. Quickly freshen up and change, Madam. We wouldn’t want you to catch a cold.Mrs. Bailey replied

Marion acknowledged her and swiftly ran upstairs. Thirty minutes later, she came down after finishing her shower and immediately noticed the glass placed prominently on the central island

She thought, I know you fished it out for me so there’s no need to put it in such an obvious place!‘ 

Lucas had already seated himself at the dining table. He wore a loose white shirt with a pair of black straightleg trousers. His hair was still damp, and the tousled strands added a touch of unruliness

Chapter 207 Enough, Stop Talking 

breaking away from his usual aloof demeanor

Marion took her seat opposite him and accepted the soup he handed her. Thanks.” 


Hmm,Lucas glanced at her casually and asked, Did you run into someone familiar this afternoon

Marion, feeling hungry, took a sip of soup and looked at him. Huh? Well, I ran into someone unpleasant.” 

She chose not to mention the encounter with Janice. She did not want to ruin Lucas’s mood along with hers. Shifting the topic, she continued, By the way, my dad’s birthday is approaching, and I plan to buy him a watch and take him out for a meal.” 

Alright, I’ll have Daniel handle it,Lucas said

Oh, there’s no need. I can handle it. I’m just letting you- 


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