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The Bride’s Revenge (Marion Cartier And Jameson Royce) novel Chapter 209

Chapter 209 His Laughter Was So Captivating

Lucas probably did not remember that night

He was often occupied with important matters, and perhaps considered that little episode from that evening as inconsequential in his life

The photo indeed looked good, and it suited Lucas’s style. If he knew it was her, Marion thought it would be even better

After some contemplation, she decided not to pursue the matter further. She did not want to make things awkward by claiming to know anything

What if he merely found the photo aesthetically pleasing and chose it as his screensaver? Asserting herself in the matter may come off as overly calculated

She realized she had acted impulsively and quickly tried to cover it up, Upon closer inspection, the photo has a certain artistic quality. It does make for a beautiful screensaver.” 

She gazed at herself in the photo, feeling her face flush. To avoid any suspicion, she forced a casual tone, I was just asking. Mr. Craig, please don’t mind me.” 

It’s alright,the man replied, showing no concern

Marion sighed in relief and swiftly changed the subject: I still have three hours of piano practice today. I’ll go to the piano room.” 


Lucas picked up his phone and scrutinized the screensaver with his dark eyes. Marion stole a glance at him, and her heart skipped a beat. She got up to leave the table, planning to head upstairs to the piano room. But after a few steps, she heard a puzzled voice behind her

Miss Marion, does this photo seem familiar to you?” 

Marion tensed, turned around, and faced him. No, it was just a question.” 

Is that so?” 

His lips curled as he laughed softly. I feel like the more I look at it, the more familiar it becomes.” 

Marion instinctively tugged at her dress: Oh I’m sure it’s nothing!” 

Lucas lifted his head and looked at her, Doesn’t it resemble the scene from that rainy night when I came to pick you up, and you ran into my arms?” 

It was not just a resemblance, it was precisely the same! Marion did not dare say it. She stood there, regretting ever pointing it out

She remained silent, but Lucas had no intention of letting it go, On that night, did someone take a photo of us?” 

Chapter 209 His Laughter Was So Captivating

Marion tried to keep her emotions in check

Seeing her not responding, Lucas’s dark gaze swept over her flushed earlobes. He lowered his brows, concealing the faint smile in his eyes, I won’t disturb you any longer. Go ahead and practice the piano.” 

At that moment, Marion had no heart to focus on her plano practice. She anxiously looked at Lucas’s phone, gritted her teeth, and decided to come clean, Actually, the person in that photo is indeed me with you.” 

Ah, no wonder I thought the person in it had such a graceful figure.” 

Hearing his compliment, Marion stood there, torn between feeling happy and uncomfortable


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