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The Bride’s Revenge (Marion Cartier And Jameson Royce) novel Chapter 210

Chapter 210 I Wasn’t Pretending 

Last night, Marion once again fled in embarrassment

When Marion talked about the incident with Cassic, her face blushed uncontrollably: [Cassie, I feel like if this continues, I’ll be doomed sooner or later!

Cassie: [Don’t be shy, Mar! You two are legally married now, just boldly go for it!

Marion touched her flushed checks: (No, we have a contract!

Cassie: [Tsk tsk tsk, in matters of love, contracts can be nullified! If you really like him, just go for it! What are you afraid of? At worst, you can enjoy it a few times for free! For a man like Lucas, it’s not a loss, right?

Marion was speechless

She knew it! Cassie’s mind was filled with nonsense

Cassie sent several more messages afterward, all containing similar content. Marion felt too embarrassed to reply. How could a single woman say such things

It was outrageous

She took her phone and went straight to the music room to practice the piano. After playing Kirk’s concert songs a couple of times, Mrs. Bailey informed her that there was a visitor downstairs

Marion furrowed her brows. It was Monday, and everyone she knew would be at work. Who could be coming to see her, Lucas or his father

This time Marion had guessed right. Since she rejected Arthur’s invitation, he had been upset for several days. Knowing that Lucas was definitely at the company that afternoon, Arthur went directly to her

When Marion went downstairs, Mrs. Bailey had already prepared tea for Arthur. However, he did not show any interest in it and had not touched it

Lucas’s father was more formidable than Veronica. Despite having retired due to illness, Arthur’s aura and authority remained undiminished. Although Marion felt intimidated, she reminded herself 

that she was not Lucas’s real wife, which boosted her confidence

She sat down on the sofa and addressed him. Hello, Mr. Craig.” 

She had initially wanted to call him Dad, but fearing that it might infuriate Arthur to the point of returning to the hospital, she opted for a more neutral address

Arthur stared at her coldly, Miss Marion, quite a skill you have. You just broke off the engagement with the Royce family boy, and now Lucas has married you!” 

You’ve got it wrong, Mr. Craig. The one who broke off the engagement was me, and the one who got dumped was Jameson.” 

Chapter 210 I Wasn’t Pretending 


She emphasized her point, and Arthur’s anger flared up, You don’t have to act innocent and naive in front of me. Lucas may fall for that, but I won’t!” 

Marion felt stung by his accusation. I’m not pretending. I just spoke the truth.” 

In all his years, Arthur felt like he had never encountered someone like Marion before. Name your price. How much money would it take for you to divorce Lucas?” 


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