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The Bride’s Revenge (Marion Cartier And Jameson Royce) novel Chapter 27

Chapter 27 You Can’t Beat Me 

Last night was the most peaceful sleep Marion had had in a while. She woke up at 7:30 the next morning, and after freshening up, she realized someone had sent her a message late at night

[Marion, you can’t beat me.

Ah, the familiar selflove. Without thinking, she knew it was from Sally. Unfortunately, Sally was quite cowardly; every time she messaged, it was from a different number

Marion glanced at it, feeling remarkably calm. She understood why Sally was being so arrogant

Cassie bombarded her with dozens of WhatsApp messages in a row, and Marion scrolled through the screenshots to figure out what was happening. Cassie’s complaints already filled several screens

[I’m truly speechless! How does Sally manage to debase herself every time she comes near you? Such a lousy actress!

[Oh, with her looks, even if she’s a good actress, it’s still challenging to find a place in the entertainment industry!

[And her crashing your family dinner, is she trying to show off in front of her future motherinlaw? Doesn’t she notice that Jameson’s mom does not approve?

[Is she the one behind this trending topic again? It’s the same routine every time. Does Sally think you’re a fool?

There were so many complaints. Marion quickly scanned through them and scrolled to the bottom: [ Don’t be upset, I-

Before Marion could finish typing, her phone started ringing

She glanced at the screen. Marion typically did not answer calls from unknown numbers, but as the call came in while she was typing, she accidentally accepted it. Hello, this is Marion.” 

It’s me, Mrs. Craig.” 

A low and gentle voice came through the phone, surprising Marion. Mr. Craig, good morning.” 

Calling so early, could it be about discussing a divorce

Good morning.” 

Lucas on the other end also greeted her and after a pause, he said, Have you seen the online 


Marion, hearing his words, breathed a sigh of relief. As long as it was not about discussing a divorce at this moment, everything should be fine

I just saw it. Did it cause you any trouble?” 

For now, nothing has troubled me.” 

Chapter 27 You Can’t Beat Me 


His voice was calm, yet the words he spoke were full of confidence. Marion did not find it offputting; Lucas did indeed have the capital for such behavior


Do you need me to handle it, or does Mrs. Craig want to deal with it herself?” 

This question surprised Marion. She had not expected Lucas to call to offer help with this matter

However, Marion declined his kindness. This kind of thing has already harmed you. I won’t trouble you further. I can handle it.” 

The person on the other end of the call seemed to be contemplating. After a twosecond pause, spoke again, Alright, I have some information here that should be helpful to you. Give me your 

email, and I’ll send it over.” 

Sure, I’ll send it to you on WhatsApp.” 



Marion sent her email to Lucas as promised. Mr. Craig, I’ve sent you my email. I’ll hang up now, okay?” 


He responded but did not end the call, so Marion had to hang up herself

Last night, a video of Marion asking Jameson to bed for her forgiveness had been posted online. Initially, public opinion online was just watching the show, but as the second video of Sally also on her knees to help Jameson seek forgiveness surfaced, Marion became the target of criticism

someone beg on their knees, right?

[To be honest, watching this video, I suddenly understand why President Royce chose to elope! Miss Cartier is unforgiving! Making someone beg on their knees is insulting! And she even poured hot tea on someone’s head, is this woman a psycho? I saw her smiling while doing that! Oh my, just looking at her smile gives me the creeps!

[Why make things difficult for another woman! Marion is so ruthless, no wonder Jameson doesn’t like her anymore!

The comments under the second video were all criticizing Marion, and quite a few people even 

commented that Jameson’s elopement was welldeserved because of Marion


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