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The Bride’s Revenge (Marion Cartier And Jameson Royce) novel Chapter 28

Chapter 28 I See No Need to Defend My Actions 

[Oh, come onHasn’t Miss Cartier gone a bit too far? It’s fine to part on good terms, no need to make someone beg on their knees, right?

[To be honest, watching this video, I suddenly understand why President Royce chose to elope! Miss Cartier is unforgiving! Making someone beg on their knees is insulting! And she even poured hot tea on someone’s head, is this woman a psycho? I saw her smiling while doing that! Oh my, just looking at her smile gives me the creeps!

[Why make things difficult for another woman! Marion is so ruthless, no wonder Jameson doesn’t like her anymore!

The comments under the second video were all criticizing Marion, and quite a few people even commented that Jameson’s elopement was welldeserved because of Marion

Sall had been martyred in the second video

Of course, there were rational and intelligent onlookers, but those faint voices of reason were quickly drowned out by the abusive comments

Such videos were inherently prone to generating high interest, especially when the uploader chose such an eyecatching name

In just half an hour, the hashtag #RunawayGroomHas Reasons # soared to the third spot on the hot 

search list

Cassie was furious and started arguing with people on Twitter using her alternate account

Marion had originally planned to go for breakfast, but seeing the continuous rise in the popularity of the hashtag on Twitter, she decided to have her aunt bring breakfast to her room

Taking five minutes to carefully craft her response, Marion then posted a concise message on Twitter with the relevant hashtags

[Regarding the video where Miss Sally apologized at my request, I see no need to defend my actions in 

the video. However, there are two points I need to clarify

Firstly, I never asked Miss Sally to beg for an apology. It was Miss Sally who abruptly appeared between our family dinner with the Royses and knelt in front of me, pleading for my forgiveness for my exboyfriend

Secondly, I strongly disagree with the notion that Miss Sally did nothing wrong, and it’s my petty- mindedness that led to Jameson’s elopement.Miss Sally does bear responsibility, and Jameson, as my fiancé, was wrong to run away at a crucial moment during the wedding!

[Below are some handwritten text excerpts from our conversations over the three years of my relationship with Jameson:

Chapter 284 See No Need to Defend My Actions 


October 16, 2019 

Jameson:[Mar, I’m sorry. Sally got caught up with someone at the bar. I need to go there now, but I’ll make it up to you for your birthday tomorrow!

Marion: [Jameson, today is my birthday. If you dare to go, we’re done!

Jameson: [Mar, don’t be ridiculous. You know Sally can’t handle stress!

February 14, 2020 

Jameson: [Mar, Sally is missing. Let’s split up and find her!

Marion: [Jameson, today is Valentine’s Day!

Jameson: [Valentine’s Day happens every year. Sally going out alone is very dangerous! Can’t you be sensible?


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