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The Bride’s Revenge (Marion Cartier And Jameson Royce) novel Chapter 50

Chapter 50 Do You Want Me to Embarrass Myself Again

Marion arrived early, and by the time she got there, it was already 9:30 am. The CT scan was quick, and with it being so early, there were not many people around. Lucas took a number and pushed her wheelchair over. There were only two people ahead of them

She remembered that Lucas had mentioned a morning meeting. Mr. Craig, you should go back to the company. My father will come to the hospital to pick me up after the examination, and I’ll go home 


Go back to which home?Lucas asked just as he received a call. He glanced at the caller ID but did 

not answer immediately

My home,she said awkwardly

Okay.His expression became noticeably colder. If there’s anything, call me.‘ 

With that, Lucas answered the call, and his entire demeanor changed as soon as he did

Well,Marion began to say, but he turned and walked out, leaving the words I’ll move in next week 

stuck in her throat

Why did it feel like he was angry again? Turns out that maintaining the facade of a marriage was not as easy as it seemed

The hospital speaker was already calling Marion’s name, so she collected herself and wheeled herself 

  1. in

Although it was a workday, the hospital was still quite busy. Marion, alone in the wheelchair, found it inconvenient to move around

However, she glanced at her still bandaged legs and felt grateful that she had a wheelchair to sit in. Even a gentle bump might have set her progress back by a month

Marion squeezed into the elevator and went to the fourth floor to find her attending physician

After reviewing her CT results, the doctor confirmed her recovery was progressing well, and the cast could be removed. However, for complete recovery, it would still take at least another month and


For the next month and a half, Marion would not need the wheelchair but would have to rely on crutches until she fully regained mobility. Upon leaving the examination room, she took out her phone, intending to call Richard. Just as she pressed the dial button, Jameson appeared


Marion’s face immediately turned cold. She turned her head away and tried to ignore him

Richard answered the phone promptly. Since Marion had not returned home the previous night, Richard’s emotions were a mess. He wanted to ask about the events of the previous evening but 

Chapter 50 Do You Want Me to Embarrass Myself Again

restrained himself. Marion, what’s the matter?” 

Dad! I’ve finished my followup appointment. Can you ask Mr. Brody to pick me up?” 

Richard was not pleased with that. Didn’t Lucas accompany you to the appointment?” 


He did. He brought me here, but he had an early meeting this morning, and there was traffic on the way back. After I got my CT scan, I let him go back to the company.” 


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