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The Bride’s Revenge (Marion Cartier And Jameson Royce) novel Chapter 51

Chapter 51 The Former Marion Is Dead 

The elevator had reached the first floor. Marion found a corner with fewer people and planned to wait there for the driver from home to pick her up. However, Jameson persistently followed her. Once they reached the corner, his eyes visibly brightened with hope. Marion.” 

Jameson held onto Marion’s wheelchair, intending to crouch and talk to her. However, Marion tapped the CT report in her hand onto his. Don’t touch me!Although the report was thin and rolled up, the impact was not painful. Yet, the disdain in Marion’s eyes was evident

Feeling as if a hammer had struck his chest, Jameson took a step back and 

refrained from touching her wheelchair. Only then did he crouch down in front of her. Marion, can you look at me?” 

Marion looked at him, and for some reason, she felt devoid of any emotion despite having liked it so much in the past. If she had to describe it, there was perhaps only a trace of nostalgia

Nostalgia for the once gentle older brother, who had somehow transformed into what he was now. The past twelve years felt like a blur to her

She released her tightly held phone and calmed herself. Jameson, for the sake of our twelve years of acquaintance, don’t ruin whatever feelings I still have for you


Her gentle voice slowly uttered the words with a touch of regret. It was calm, yet mildly cruel

Jameson staggered, and almost fell to the ground. He managed to steady himself by placing his hands by his side and avoided an embarrassing situation. After regaining his composure, he crouched down again and raised four fingers. 40 days.” 

When he spoke again, his voice was hoarse. Did you fall in love with him in just 40 days?” 

Why don’t you say instead that in 40 days, I ended everything between us?” 


Jameson looked at her, his eyes were red

Marion swallowed slightly and turned her head away. The Marion who loved you died the moment that car hit her and you left without looking back. The Marion I used to be died on the day I once looked forward to. So you can say it’s a perfect 

Chapter 51 The Former Marion Is Dead 



Jameson seemed to want to say something more, but Marion’s phone rang. Unwilling to waste any more time on him, she answered Evan’s call. With one hand, she pushed the wheelchair away from Jameson and made her way to the entrance of the hospital

Evan was already waiting for her. Marion pushed the wheelchair and used the wheelchairaccessible path to exit. When he saw that, Evan hurried over, Miss 

Marion smiled. It’s okay, Mr. Brody, I can manage!” 


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