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The Bride’s Revenge (Marion Cartier And Jameson Royce) novel Chapter 83

Chapter 83 I Don’t Have a Sweetheart 

Marion cautiously touched the piano keys and looked back at Lucas. Mr. Craig, was this prepared for me?” 


Oh.Her smile disappeared instantly and was replaced by a look of disappointment

She withdrew her hands from the piano keys, stood up from the chair, and walked back to Lucas. She smiled awkwardly. Then, who was it prepared for?” 

After saying that, Marion suddenly thought of something, Was it prepared for your Sweetheart?” 

Lucas remained silent

Seeing the sudden chill in his gaze, Marion guessed she was probably right

She quickly apologized. I’m sorry, I didn’t know. If it bothers you, I can wipe it down with disinfectant. Cassie mentioned in her novels that CEOs have a strong sense of possessiveness, and they might get murderous if someone touches their belongings.” 

Lucas’s expression remained stony

Sensing his displeasure, Marion stole a glance at him. Can you say something? Even scold me if you want! Your silence makes you seem like you’re going to devour me!” 

Lucas rubbed his temples with his hand irritably. I don’t have a Sweetheart.” 

He paused and looked at her. The piano is for someone who just moved in.” 

Marion did not grasp his meaning. Why prepare a piano for someone random? Wait, besides us, is there someone else living here?” 

Lucas laughed. It was deep and rich and resonated from his chest

Marion was puzzled. Why is this so amusing?” 

After a moment, her thoughts caught up with her. Was the piano prepared for me?” 

Lucas suppressed his laughter. Yes.He was afraid that if he did not clarify, Marion might come up with even more absurd scenarios

Marion was speechless

Chapter 621 Dont Have a Sweetheart 

Why did he have to call her a fool while talking

As she thought about the piano, Marion decided not to make an issue out of it

She walked over to it joyfully. How about I play a piece for you? You’ve not heard me play the piano before, right? Tonight, I’ll perform a solo for you!” 

I have.” 

Lucas glanced at her and walked to the sofa on the side, then sat down. Go ahead. 


Marion was surprised that he had heard her play before. It made her even happier

She played a lively piece for him

When Marion played the piano, she looked different from her usual self

It was as if she had entered her own world. She exuded confidence and brilliance


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