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The Bride’s Revenge (Marion Cartier And Jameson Royce) novel Chapter 84

Chapter 84 As Long as You Like It 

Around five o’clock, Marion suddenly received a message from Lucas on WhatsApp. He suggested they have dinner outside, and mentioned that the driver was already on the way to pick her up

Marion instinctively thought it might be a business dinner, so she quickly got up from the bed and asked: [Are there any specific dress requirements? Should I put on makeup?

Even though she was Mrs. Craigin her marriage of convenience, she could not afford to embarrass Lucas

Marion received a somewhat nonchalant reply from Lucas: [Whatever you like.

Despite Lucas’s easygoing response, Marion still chose an elegant long dress. She applied light makeup. While waiting for the driver to arrive, she spent an additional ten minutes braiding a fishtail

Satisfied with her look, Marion picked up her handbag and headed downstairs

Just as she arrived, the doorbell rang. On the video call screen, it was Lucas’s driver, Liam

Marion walked out with a slight limp. She had forgotten to bring her wheelchair and she walked unsteadily as her leg was still recovering

As Marion stepped outside, the driver had already opened the car door and greeted her, Mrs. Craig, Mr. Craig is at the office. We need to make a stop there first.” 

Sure, thank you, Mr. Benz,Marion replied, not having the courage to address him like Lucas did

The mansion was not far from the Radiant Group office building, and in about fifteen minutes, they arrived at the entrance

Marion checked her reflection in her phone’s camera, ensuring her makeup was intact. Just as she finished, the car door next to her opened, and Lucas gracefully 


A refreshing woody fragrance wafted in, and Marion instinctively turned to him with a smile. Mr. Craig.” 

After the incident with the grand piano Lucas had prepared, Marion found herself smiling whenever she looked at him

What a considerate man

Chapter 94 As Long as You Like it 


A grand piano worth over four million dollars, and he said it was just a casual arrangement

Lucas’s gaze lingered on her face for a moment. Did you put on makeup?” 

Marion felt selfconscious at his question. I just applied light makeup, nothing too extravagant, so it won’t be disrespectful to you.” 

Very beautiful.He praised her so easily. It left Marion puzzled

She blushed then mumbled a Thank you

The car started moving, and Marion touched the strands of hair behind her braid. It felt a little itchy

She withdrew her hand and stole a glance at the man beside her. Unbeknownst to her, Lucas was already looking at her, and upon catching her turning her head, he did not look away

The car’s air conditioning was cool enough, yet Marion felt warm. The evening sky was a riot of colors, and the twilight cast a radiant glow through the car window onto their faces

Marion looked at Lucas beside her and could not help but feel that God had 

favored him

His beautifully sharp facial features could easily outshine many current male stars. The car arrived quickly at their destination, and she hastily averted her gaze. She nervously fidgeted with her fingers

Lucas slowly opened his eyes, and Liam came around to open the door for him. Mr. Craig, Mrs. Craig, we’ve arrived at the hotel.” 

Lucas glanced at Marion, his gaze landing on her reddened ears. He casually remarked, We’re here, Mrs. Craig.” 

Oh, okay,Marion replied, moving over. As soon as she lifted her leg, Lucas brought her wheelchair into view with a swift movement

Marion looked at him in surprise

Is your leg hurting?Lucas asked


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