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The Bride’s Revenge (Marion Cartier And Jameson Royce) novel Chapter 93

Chapter 93 No, It Was the Cat’s Doing 

However, Marion soon found it hard to maintain her laughter

After taking a shower, the events of last night gradually came back to her. Cassie was right. She was not to be trusted when she was drunk

Thinking about how she had clung to Lucas, asking for a hug, Marion did not even want to face the world. She wanted to hide under the covers of her bed

Lucas had changed his clothes and waited in the dining room for quite a while. When Marion still had not emerged, he got up, walked to her room, and knocked on the door. Miss Marion?” 

There was no response

Marion tensed up when she heard the knock, She clutched at the covers tightly, closed her eyes, and pretended to be asleep

After waiting for a few seconds, Lucas reached over and placed his hand on the door handle

Since the door was not closed properly, with a twist of the handle, it opened

Lucas pushed the door open and immediately spotted the bundled figure under the covers. He raised an eyebrow and walked over to it. Mrs. Craig?” 

Marion had returned last night at around 9 PM, feeling the effects of the alcohol. She had fallen asleep around 10 PM and had been in bed for over nine hours. How could she sleep so soundly

Lucas lifted the covers, and just as he looked at the tightly closed eyelids, the curled eyelashes trembled slightly

She was pretending to be asleep

Are you asleep?” 

When she heard his voice, Marion pretended not to hear anything

I can’t hear, I can’t hear, I can’t hear anything,she told herself

Suddenly, her face itched, and something touched her face. Marion could not help but react to it

She realized it was Lucas’s fingertip

The soft, warm pad of his finger traced along her cheek, and the sensation, neither too light nor too heavy, made her want to shy away


as th 


Asleep, aren’t you? You probably wouldn’t even know if I kissed you.” 

As he spoke, Marion smelled the familiar scent of sandalwood growing more intense. In just two seconds, she felt the man’s breath halt above her

Marion’s breath caught, unable to keep up the act any longer. She quickly opened her eyes, I’m awake!” 

Black eyes stared at her. That was fast.” 

That gaze seemed to penetrate her, and Marion felt extremely selfconscious

She blushed and turned her head away. I’m hungry, Mr. Craig.” 

Lucas got up from the side of the bed. Breakfast is getting cold.” 

Before leaving, he glanced at her once more

What a pity. Why did she not pretend a bit longer

Taking his eyes off her, Lucas exited the room. Marion waited until he was gone, then sat up, and covered reddened face. When the warmth subsided, she got up and walked out of her room

Lucas was already having breakfast, and when he saw her finally coming down, he cast a glance her way and handed her a glass of milk

Thank you.” 

Marion raised the glass, took a sip, and noticed a red mark on the left side of Lucas’s neck

It couldn’t be her doing, could it


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