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The Bride’s Revenge (Marion Cartier And Jameson Royce) novel Chapter 94

Chapter 94 Is It Too Obvious

Getting drunk and offending someone was embarrassing once one was sober

Fearful of any consequences from Lucas, Marion hastily shifted the topic. Mr. Craig, are you going back to the company later?” 

Yes,he replied, his emotions indecipherable

Marion bit into her sandwich, finding that she had no heart for it

When Lucas had almost finished eating and took a sip of his Americano, he glanced at her. Do you have plans today?” 

No,she replied. With a limp in her leg, she did not make it a point to arrange for anything

I’ll come back for lunch.” 

Marion pondered the meaning behind Lucas’s words. Was he implying that she should prepare lunch for him? She looked at him and tentatively asked, Should I make lunch for you when you come back?” 

As the words escaped her lips, Marion blushed. Why did it sound so much like something a wife would say to her husband? Although they were technically a married couple, the nature of their relationship was questionable

After observing her for a moment, Lucas asked, Aren’t you practicing the piano


I am.” 

Thinking about the upcoming charity concert, Marion hesitated for a moment but decided it was better to mention it. By the way, I have a charity concert on 

the 20th.” 


Without much thought, Marion replied, At Vuitton International.” 

Okay,Lucas said as he put down his coffee cup. The cook will come to make lunch later. If you want something specific, let her know. In the afternoon-” 

He paused, then added, Never mind.” 

After speaking, Lucas got up and headed upstairs. Soon, he came back down, dressed in a shirt and trousers. His fair skin made the scratch marks on his left neck stand out conspicuously. I caught Marion’s immediate attention. She wanted to conceal them

Chapter 941 It Too Obvious


With some hesitation, Marion said, Mr. Craig, aren’t the scratch marks too obvious?” 

Lucas gave her a meaningful stare. Marion’s face turned hot and red. The scratch marks were indeed suggestive. If Lucas went back to the company with those marks… 

Marion did not even dare to think further! She bit her lip. How about I cover them up with concealer?” 

Afraid that Lucas might not agree, Marion quickly added, It’ll be very quick, just half a minute!” 

Lucas checked his watch. I’ll give you five minutes.” 

Okay! I’ll go upstairs and get the concealer!” 

Worried that Lucas might change his mind, Marion hopped upstairs as she dragged her injured leg. Since her right leg had not fully recovered yet, she leaned on the staircase railing and hopped up each step

Lucas stood downstairs and watched as Marion’s ponytail bounced with each movement. There was amusement in his eyes

She truly was like a rabbit


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