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The Bride’s Revenge (Marion Cartier And Jameson Royce) novel Chapter 96

Chapter 96 Kisses, Hugs, and High Spirits 

After Lucas went to the company, Marion had planned to go practice the piano, but the thought of the foolish thingsshe had done made it difficult for her to focus

She picked up her phone, hesitated for a while, and decided to send a message to Cassie

[Cas, are you awake?

Cassie, true to form, responded almost instantly: [Waking up so early on

beautiful weekend, something’s not right, Mar!

Marion felt guilty. [No, I slept early last night.

[Tsk, you don’t have to rub it in my face so early in the morning, do you?

[What? I don’t think I said anything

[You don’t have to say anything. I understand!

Marion touched her ear, recalling that she had a legitimatereason for 

contacting Cassie, and quickly shifted away from the strange topic: [Cas, you mentioned last time that when I’m drunk, I like hugging people. To what extent do I do that?

She did not pause, but for some reason, the events of last night were blurry. For example, Marion had no idea how the red mark had appeared on Lucas’s neck

But since there were only two people in the villa, Marion and Lucas, and she did not scratch him, could it be a wild cat

[Were you drunk last night?

[Just a little.

[Tsk tsk tsk, why are you looking for me so early in the morning? Did you go on a rampage when you were drunk last night?

[I didn’t, I’m not like that, I wouldn’t!

[Triple denial means it’s true!

As Cassie had exposed her, Marion decided to be straight with her. [I got drunk last night, but I only remember some things, and there are some things I don’t recall very well. So, I wanted to ask you, how extreme can my drunken antics get

[It’s not that bad, Mar. When you’re drunk, you just like kissing, hugging, and 

Chapter Kasek Hugs, and High Spirits 

making people happy.

[So I just like to kiss, hug, and lift people’s spirits? That’s it?

Marion trembled as she read Cassie’s reply. Then she dropped her phone

Just then, the doorbell rang. Marion picked up her phone, sent a grimacing emoji to Cassie, and then went to answer the door

The visitor was the housekeeper Lucas had mentioned earlier. She was a neatly dressed woman in her forties

As soon as the door opened, the woman greeted Marion with a smile and introduced herself

Hello, Mrs. Craig, I’m the cook Mr. Craig arranged to have come over to prepare your meals. I am Ronda Bailey. You can call me Ronda.” 

Marion nodded. Hello, Mrs. Bailey. I’m more comfortable with that” 


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