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The Bride’s Revenge (Marion Cartier And Jameson Royce) novel Chapter 95

Chapter 95 Was It Waterproof

The air seemed to freeze for a moment. Marion stiffened for half a second before retrieving the powder puff with trembling hands

I’m sorry, Mr. Craig. This is setting powder, it’s not poisonous. I’ll clean it up for you, I promise!” 

She had not meant to do it

Marion fumbled for a tissue on the table but realized there was none. Ignoring the issue of tissues, she met Lucas’s eyes

Without hesitation, she used her hands to remove the loose powder from his thin lips

Lucas’s lips were surprisingly soft. A kiss from his lips would probably feel very nice, would it not

As Marion became aware of her thoughts, her ears turned crimson, and the blush spread to her cheeks. It felt like her fingertips were suddenly on fire, and Marion found it hard to continue

Lucas was not having an easier time of it. Her soft fingertips brushed across his lips, and with halfawareness, he leaned in closer. His breath fell directly on her face, his attention focused on the woman in front of him

His eyes lowered to Marion’s red lips, and for a fleeting moment, Lucas entertained the thought of leaning in for a kiss

However, he restrained himself and suppressed the desire. He raised his hand and brushed away the meddling fingertips. Enough, I’ll go wash my face.” 

With that, he stood up and walked into the bathroom

In the mirror, the red mark on the left side of his neck was now covered. Lucas wiped it with his hand and found that the coverup was surprisingly effective

Marion sat on the sofa with her hands folded on her lap, head lowered like a child

Lucas walked back into the living room and raised an eyebrow at Marion. You did a good job.” 

Upon hearing the compliment, Marion’s tense nerves immediately relaxed. She was about to respond with a smile before he said, Don’t cover it up next time.” 

Her lips, poised to smile, froze in place. The expression on her face was somewhere between a forced smile and a look of horror

Chapter 95 Was It Waterproof


I’m leaving.” 

Lucas gave her a final glance then he turned to leave the villa

Soon, Marion heard the sound of the car starting

Was he angry? Or not

As Lim started the car, he suddenly heard Lucas in the back seat. Do you have some water?” 

He quickly stopped the car and handed a bottle of mineral water to Lucas

Curious, Liam glanced in the rearview mirror

He saw Lucas open the bottle, and moisten his fingertips with the water before applying it to his neck

What was going on with Mr. Craig

He wanted to express concern but considering Lucas’s reluctance to accept such care, Liam chose to silently continue driving

Lucas used his fingertips to wipe his neck twice but found that only a little powder had come off, and the red mark was still concealed underneath the makeup

What kind of makeup product was it? Was it waterproof


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