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The CEO Alpha King novel Chapter 14

  Writer's POV


  It was around 7 00pm when King Zed arrived at his castle.

  He stepped down from his black limo adjusting his expensive suit.

  "Get her to make coffee for me. She can add more sugar this time." He said to Adam before walking through the opened door that led to the sitting room.

  He took the private elevator to his room as he recalled sgst had happened with his slave, Serena, two days ago.

  The way she had acted and pleaded with what she thought was a ghost from his former slave brought a smile to his face. Of course it was so funny. He wasn't the type to express his emotions, but alone in the elevator, he couldn't help but chuckle softly.

  She was a silly wolf. He thought.

  He walked out of his elevator and into his room. Sighing deeply, he took off his clothes and memories of Serena bathing him the first and only time sparked in his head.

  He felt weird that she kept coming to his mind.

  Something like this had never happened before and strangely, even his wolf seems fascinated by Serena, well his wolf and not him.

  Normally, he didn't like physical contact with anyone, especially with the female gender but his wolf had managed to encourage him that Serena's touch meant no harm, her touch won't bring up dirty worms on his skin and he had listened, letting Serena touch him that day.

  Thinking about it now, he felt strange.

  It got him thinking. What is it about this perky little weak wolf?

  "Damon, what is it about her that you like?" He whispered in his mind, talking to his wolf was one of the major things he loved doing since he was a man of few words to others.

  He heard his wolf growl before responding.

  "Well, I'm glad you decided to ask but I like her. I feel myself getting attracted to her." The wolf in him said and King Zed frowned.

  "Getting attracted? You must have gotten way too old. You are desperate for a mate." King Zed scoffed.

  "You seem to forget that we are one, Zed. We are one and if I am getting attracted or attached to her then you'll be forced to feel the same sooner or later. " Damon, his wolf told him and he could almost feel it smirking at the back of his mind.

  "That won't ever happen. You'll be forced to stop getting attracted to her instead, Damon. She's just a weak half breed." The Alpha tried to reason, walking to the end of the room to get a shirt to sleep in.

  But he got no response to that. Damon was quiet and it was rather strange for him not to argue with his human counterpart. But the Alpha let it slide. .

  He sighed, changing his clothes before heading downstairs for dinner.


  "The king is back and you have to make him coffee, with a little bit of sugar." Isaac informed Serena once she stepped out of the shower, a dark towel tied around her chest, shielding her naked frame from her brother.

  "What? When did he arrive? You should have told me earlier, Isaac." Serena yelled, hurriedly heading to her closet in search of something to wear.

  "I didn't want to rush you but hey, be quick too. I don't want you getting into any trouble, I'll leave now." Isaac said before walking out of her room.

  She sighed, remembering Grandma Felicia had come to express her happiness and congratulations for her being Isaac's sister. She was the second person Isaac had told, Kendrick being the first no doubt.

  Just like Serena, Grandma Felicia was extra nice to Isaac, reasons best known to her.

  Serena finished putting on an oversized gown, tied her hair up carelessly before running out of the mini mansion.

  As she made her way to the castle, she kept memorizing the three most important rules inside her head.

  She got to the castle doors and was allowed in, bowing in greeting to the guards who ignored her.

  "A little bit of added sugar." She mumbled as she went down to work in the kitchen.

  And for two days, she hadn't perceived the king's aura. Today it hit her like a ton of bricks, his scent filled the room, urging her to submit to him even though he wasn't there. A spark of fear shivered down her spine as she went to the kitchen.

  Luckily, there was no one here but with her wolf's ears she could hear someone vacuuming upstairs. The servants were probably awake too.

  She realized the king's scent became stronger and figured he was coming down so she hastily got to work.

  However, when she finished she tasted it and found out she had just put too much sugar now the coffee was too sweet.

  "Gosh!" She whispered in frustration.

  "You need to calm down first, Serena. If you don't wanna get into trouble, you need to keep calm first." Isaac's voice whispered at the back of her mind. She gasped in shock.

  This was the first time he ever spoke to her telepathically, and she felt giddy up inside of her.

  She turned back to the coffee, taking a deep breath and emptying the cup in the sink to make another.

  With newly found confidence, she made it better than the last and it wasn't too sweet this time, just the right amount of sugar. She smiled, placed it on a tray and walked to the sitting room.

  She could see him sitting at the head of the dinning table, his eyes fixed on the plates in front of him. As she walked in, she felt the temperature drop and her heartbeat picked up unusually.

  It was at the tip of her tongue to greet him as 'your highness' but she paused remembering he had told her he was her master.

  She bent her head in submission, keeping her eyes on her feet as she walked closer to him before dropping the coffee with shaky hands on his table. She bowed lower, greeting him silently before starting to retreat.

  Not wanting to stay another moment in his dangerous aura.

  "Sit." The king suddenly commanded her, his voice shaking her to her very core.

  Her eyes widened as she stopped in her tracks, before taking a seat opposite him. She curled up her toes and clenched her fist to stop herself from trembling.

  She watched as he took the coffee to his lips, inhaling the heat briefly before taking a sip.

  "You added too much sugar. More than you were supposed to." He said, glancing through a magazine in his hand that she hadn't noticed earlier.

  Her lips trembled, she didn't know what to say.

Chapter 14  My master 1

Chapter 14  My master 2


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